

无出其右者对应英文:To beat the

他对道尔顿制的研究和推广,其广度和深度,在他那个时代可能无出其右者。对应英文:His research and extension of Dalton plan, the breadth and depth, in his era may be tough to beat.

在微软期间,Bill Gates在改变人们对计算机的思考方式方面无出其右者。对应英文:During the period of Microsoft, Bill Gates in changing people's way of thinking about computer to beat.

罗马人的阔绰、威权、傲慢和早期基督徒的贫穷、理想主义和卑微之间形成的反差之强烈无有出其右者。对应英文:Romans living, authoritarian, arrogance and early Christian's poverty, idealism and humble to the contrast between the strong nothing out of it.

他对道尔顿制的研究和推广,其广度和深度,在他那个时代可能无出其右者。对应英文:His research and extension of Dalton plan, the breadth and depth, in his era may be tough to beat.

在微软期间,Bill Gates在改变人们对计算机的思考方式方面无出其右者。对应英文:During the period of Microsoft, Bill Gates in changing people's way of thinking about computer to beat.

罗马人的阔绰、威权、傲慢和早期基督徒的贫穷、理想主义和卑微之间形成的反差之强烈无有出其右者。对应英文:Romans living, authoritarian, arrogance and early Christian's poverty, idealism and humble to the contrast between the strong nothing out of it.

她们同样女扮男装, 战斗时之残酷嗜杀, 更是无有出其右者。对应英文:They also disguised as men, while fighting the cruel of murderous, which is no more.


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