

杀人不眨眼对应英文:Don't blink to kill

这种无色无味的气体如果长期大量地泄露,将是杀人不眨眼的恶魔。对应英文:This colorless, odorless gas leak, if long-term amounts of murderous fiend.

系列丛书共五本,主线讲述美利坚历史上第一位吸血鬼、19世纪80年代的银行抢劫犯、杀人不眨眼的牛仔斯金纳·斯威特(Skinner Sweet)的故事。对应英文:Series, a total of five, the main line in American history the first vampire, bank robbers, kill people without even blinking an eye in the 1880 s cowboy Skinner, Sweet (Skinner Sweet) story.

青年羽林军的将军迪埃斯梅退到热纳普的客舍门口,他把佩剑交给一个杀人不眨眼的骑兵,那骑兵接了剑,却杀了那俘虏。对应英文:Duhesme general di ace may back to hot knapp, a guest at the door, he put his sword to a murderous cavalry, the cavalry took the sword, but kill the prisoners.

系列丛书共五本,主线讲述美利坚历史上第一位吸血鬼、19世纪80年代的银行抢劫犯、杀人不眨眼的牛仔斯金纳·斯威特(Skinner Sweet)的故事。对应英文:Series, a total of five, the main line in American history the first vampire, bank robbers, kill people without even blinking an eye in the 1880 s cowboy Skinner, Sweet (Skinner Sweet) story.

每次遇到烦心的事情,杀人不眨眼的食品,总是伴随我度过最难过的时光。对应英文:When any bother, kill people without even blinking an eye food, always accompany me through the most sad times.

青年羽林军的将军迪埃斯梅退到热纳普的客舍门口,他把佩剑交给一个杀人不眨眼的骑兵,那骑兵接了剑,却杀了那俘虏。对应英文:Duhesme general di ace may back to hot knapp, a guest at the door, he put his sword to a murderous cavalry, the cavalry took the sword, but kill the prisoners.

在20世纪,有些国家对杀人不眨眼的独裁者采取了绥靖政策,使其威胁得以发展成灭绝种族的大屠杀和全球大战。对应英文:In the 20th century, some countries of murderous dictators adopted appeasement, bring their threat to grow into genocide and global war.

那恶棍杀人不眨眼。对应英文:The thugs kill don't blink.

建国后的史学界评价:封建地主阶级的卫道士、地主买办阶级的精神偶像、汉奸、卖国贼、杀人不眨眼的刽子手等等。对应英文:After the founding of the evaluation: the story of the old guard of the feudal landlord class and the landlords and the comprador class the spirit of the idol, traitor, traitor, murderous executioner, and so on.

如果一个自高自大的独裁者能随时杀人不眨眼,也不难相信他能强奸别人。对应英文:If an arrogant dictators can kill people at any time don't blink, also it is not hard to believe that he can rape someone else.

俗语杀人不眨眼shā rén bù zhǎ yǎn是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/424.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

布鲁斯·威利斯奥斯是一名迈阿密的牙医,但是他家中有一个恶婆娘。从芝加哥搬来的隔壁邻居吉米琼斯,让他的生活起了巨大的大变化。其实这个绰号郁金香吉米的琼斯,竟然是一个黑道杀手。吉米背叛了凶狠的黑道老大查理葛,搬到迈阿密去避风头。而葛老大出悬赏令要他的项上人头。奥斯的老婆竟然为了赏金,逼奥斯飞到芝加哥去告吉米的密。  奥斯表面上听从老婆的计划,但是他暗中打了另一个如意算盘: 他获得赏金后就可以回清老婆的欠债,甩掉这只母老虎。但他不知道,他的老婆菲比也正计划等他回来之后,雇杀手除掉他。然而吉米的老婆辛蒂亚被葛老大绑架作人质,还有一千万美金必须三人签名才能去提领,于是各帮人马出笼要抢这块大饼。到底这场战争将鹿死谁手?

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