

敢怒不敢言对应英文:Dare to anger can't speak
  词目 敢怒而不敢言 
  发音 gǎn nù ér bù gǎn yán 
  释义: 心里愤怒而嘴上不敢说。指慑于威胁,胸中愤怒不敢吐露。 
  出处: 唐·杜牧《阿房宫赋》:“使天下之人,不敢言而敢怒。” 
  示例:李忠见鲁达凶猛,敢怒而不敢言,只得陪笑道,好性急的人。(明·施耐 庵《水浒》第三回)




他责骂、批评、抨击、说出人们心中敢怒而不敢言之事;对应英文:He scold, criticism, criticism, say people dare to anger and dare not to say things;

佃户夫妻因为害怕,往往敢怒不敢言。佃户要是反抗,也绝不会有好下场。对应英文:Tenants because of fear, husband and wife often dare to anger can't speak.

看他表面上对人和气,其实却很阴险,很多大臣在私底下议论说,他这个人在笑容背后藏了一把刀,大臣们都敢怒不敢言啊。对应英文:See him on the face of the gas to the person, actually is very sinister and many ministers talk in private, said he hid a dagger behind a smile, ministers have dare to dare not say ah.

他责骂、批评、抨击、说出人们心中敢怒而不敢言之事;对应英文:He scold, criticism, criticism, say people dare to anger and dare not to say things;

佃户夫妻因为害怕,往往敢怒不敢言。佃户要是反抗,也绝不会有好下场。对应英文:Tenants because of fear, husband and wife often dare to anger can't speak.

看他表面上对人和气,其实却很阴险,很多大臣在私底下议论说,他这个人在笑容背后藏了一把刀,大臣们都敢怒不敢言啊。对应英文:See him on the face of the gas to the person, actually is very sinister and many ministers talk in private, said he hid a dagger behind a smile, ministers have dare to dare not say ah.


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