

免费的午餐对应英文:As a free lunch

总之,天下没有免费的午餐。对应英文:In a word, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

哦,伙计,世上没有免费的午餐。对应英文:Oh, man, there is no free lunch.

他们正在享受免费的午餐——在最后一次机会的酒店。对应英文:They are enjoying a free lunch - hotel in last chance.

然而,减少争用并不是免费的午餐。对应英文:Reducing contention, however, is not a free lunch.

他周四对路透称:"但要记住天下没有免费的午餐.今天做出的一切都要在今后付出相应代价."对应英文:, "he told Reuters on Thursday but keep in mind that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Today everything to pay the corresponding cost in the future."

SGI有一个免费的午餐区,在那儿你可以下载免费的软件、电脑游戏、图片还有视频。对应英文:SGI has a free lunch area, where you can download free software, computer games, graphics, and video.

这一重要的洞见令人沮丧,其科学性却经得起推敲:没有免费的午餐。对应英文:This important insights frustrating, it is a robust scientific: there is no free lunch.

好计划!这个世界正在变化,但不管怎么变化都不会有免费的午餐。我认为每月免费提供20 篇文章是很恰当的。对应英文:Good plan!

那些揩油的家伙想要一顿免费的午餐,但免费午餐可是要钱的——它要花你企业的钱。对应英文:Those requiring guy want to a free lunch, but free lunch but want money -- it takes your company money.

当然,这违反了第一条经济规律—天下没有免费的午餐。对应英文:Of course, this violated the first economic law - there is no such thing as a free lunch.

世上没有免费的午餐,但基于角色的框架确实使并发编程以及利用多核进程变得更加简单。对应英文:There is no free lunch, but based on role does make the framework of concurrent programming and the use of multi-core process easier.

程序员们有私人的办公室,免费的午餐和每周40个小时的工作。对应英文:Programmers have a private office and a free lunch and work 40 hours a week.

但是,对于所有的机器学习算法来说,有一个小小的问题困扰它们,这个问题被总结为“没有免费的午餐定理”。对应英文:For all machine learning algorithms, however, have a little problem they have, the problem is summed up as "no free lunch theorem".

这就是那句俗语的来历, "天下没有免费的午餐"!对应英文:This is the origin of the saying, "there is no such thing as a free lunch"!

传统上,银行和免费的午餐是紧密联系在一起的。对应英文:Traditionally, Banks and free lunch is closely linked.

由于没有公正的会计,自然就像免费的午餐,Dasgupta说,“当renmen不需要为一些东西付出的时候,就会滥用它。”对应英文:Since there is no fair accounting, nature as a free lunch, Dasgupta says, "if you don't need to pay for some things, will abuse it."

“在杀死一个竞争者的同时你也得到了一份免费的午餐,”他解释道。对应英文:"To kill a competitor at the same time you also got a free lunch," he explains.

在十九世纪的美国,许多酒吧间有一个免费的午餐台,摆着肉片、面包、煮熟的蛋和其它好吃的。对应英文:In the 19th century in the United States, many bar has a free lunch, with meat, bread, boiled egg and other good.

但为购买产品的用户简化了购买过程即意味着要有其他人为这部分无形的价格买账,世上没有免费的午餐,这是一个不言而喻的道理。对应英文:But to buy the product user to simplify the buying process which means there are other people the price of this part of the intangible buying it, there is no free lunch, it is a self-evident truth.

哪里有艺术画廊哪里就有免费酒蹭-虽然通常是塑料杯乘着劣质白酒,但是就像一个穷游达人所说的,这才是真正免费的午餐。对应英文:Where there are art galleries there are free drinks - although usually plastic cups inferior liquor, but like a QiongYou talent, this is the true free lunch.

但是世界上没有免费的午餐,我们必须提供我们的身份和个人信息。对应英文:But there is no free lunch in the world, we must provide our identity and personal information.

社会慈善事业的拥护者们 宣称,如果消费者们为更友好的,高尚的公司的产品支付额外费用,那么这种免费的午餐是可能的。对应英文:Social philanthropy advocates claim, if consumers as more friendly, noble product pay extra fees, such as a free lunch is possible.

成熟的人们都理解免费的午餐是种偶尔的惊喜,但不是生活的方式。对应英文:Mature people understand as a free lunch is a kind of occasional surprise, but it is not the way of life.

这正是“天下没有免费的午餐”规律的一个例子:局部获利是以全局损失为代价的,很多时候情况恰恰是这样。对应英文:This is "there is no such thing as a free lunch" rule of one example: local profit at the expense of the global losses, most of the time is just the same.


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