

疑心生暗鬼对应英文:Suspicious raw dark ghost
疑心生暗鬼,拼为yí xīn shēng àn guǐ,指因为多疑而产生各种幻觉和错误判断。出自宋•吕本中《师友杂志》。

疑心生暗鬼 发音 í ī ē à ǐ 解释 指因为多疑而产生各种幻觉和错误判断。 出处 宋·吕本中《师友杂志》"尝闻人说鬼怪者,以为必无此理,以为疑心生暗鬼,最是...对应英文:Suspicions create imaginary fears. pronunciation í ī ē à ì Ji explained that because the suspicious and produce all kinds of illusion and error judgment. Source song Lv Benzhong "friends" magazine "I have people say ghosts, thought no reason, think Suspicions create imaginary fears., is the most...

心长静,静心长智慧。对应英文:Heart is static, meditation brings wisdom.

告诉我们要正确认识客观事务,学习科学,树立正确的唯物主义世界观,反对唯心主义 还有平时不要做亏心事,就不怕鬼敲门了对应英文:Tell us to correctly understand the objective affairs, study science, set up the correct world outlook of materialism against idealism, and usually do not do something wrong, we are not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door

这种做法容易被人误解对应英文:This is easily to be misunderstood

"省得人家疑心生暗鬼,叫我们里外不做好人!"这句话虽然是阿庆嫂对胡传魁说的,但这句话是说给刁德一听的。它揭示了刁德一多疑且不好意的心理,又带有几份愠怒与讥讽。 "...对应英文:"Before they Suspicions create imaginary fears., call us and not to be good!" this sentence is a qingsao said to Hu Chuankui, but this sentence is said to Diao de hearing. It reveals Diao Deyi suspicious and not good psychological, and with a few sullen and sarcasm. "...

有疑心就会生暗鬼,这份疑念也会变成魔,魔并非指青面獠牙的恶鬼,而是指人的心地产生了太多的杂念疑虑、诸多烦恼,因而充满了恐慌忧恼。 四魔是指天魔、死魔、烦恼魔、...对应英文:There are suspicions would have dark ghost, this belief will become magic, magic is not a long-toothed man with a livid face of evil spirits, but refers to a person's heart had too many thoughts concerns, many problems, which is full of panic mind. Four demons are evil, death, klesha,...

第一个是 不要做些好事来惹别人反而觉得你做的是坏事。就死做了好事不讨好啦 第二个 就是根据某些事物的特征就可以把事物辨别出来。对应英文:The first is not to do something good to make people think you do is bad. Die do good not please second is according to the characteristics of some things can make things tell.

揭示了刁德一不怀好意,又带几分愠怒、讥讽。对应英文:The Diao Deyi harbour evil designs, with a sullen, sarcasm.

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" 宋 洪迈 《夷坚乙志·韩氏放鬼》"谚谓疑心生暗鬼,殆此类乎!"《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三十"又道是,疑心生暗鬼,未必不是阳命将绝,自家心上的事发,眼花灯花上头起来的。"...对应英文:"Song of Hong Mai" Yi Jian Zhi Han put ghost "B," saying that Suspicions create imaginary fears., almost like this! "" first strike the table in surprise "volume thirty" again, Suspicions create imaginary fears., not necessarily positive life will absolutely, the own heart, vertigo snuff it up. "...

俗语疑心生暗鬼yí xīn shēng àn guǐ是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/512.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

yí xīn shēng àn guǐ

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