

十八层地狱对应英文:Eighteen layers of hell

过去的半年里,在众多叛徒之中,我猜,有一群特别的人是卡扎菲最想打入十八层地狱受烈火煎熬的。对应英文:In the past half a year in the traitors, I guess, there is a special group of people he would eighteen layers of hell into the fire of suffering.

他犯这种罪就要下十八层地狱。对应英文:He committed the crime is the eighteen layers of hell.

过去的半年里,在众多叛徒之中,我猜,有一群特别的人是卡扎菲最想打入十八层地狱受烈火煎熬的。对应英文:In the past half a year in the traitors, I guess, there is a special group of people he would eighteen layers of hell into the fire of suffering.

几年来的风风雨雨发生在我身边,有人把我捧上三十九重天,有人把我打下十八层地狱。对应英文:Years of ups and downs in my side, someone put me in thirty ascended, someone put me lay the eighteen layers of hell.

我们还参观了十八层地狱和阴天子的严拷方式。对应英文:Eighteen layers of hell and we also visited the cloudy day son yan kao way.

俗语十八层地狱shí bā céng dì yù是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/41.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

(梵语naraka)十八泥犁经中,列有十八个地狱,何等为十八呢?就是光就居、居虚略、桑居都、楼、房卒、草乌卑次、都卢难旦、不卢半呼、乌竟都、泥卢都、乌略、乌满、乌藉、乌 呼、须健居、末都干直呼、区通途、陈莫。这些都是梵音,全部是一些刀兵杀伤,大火大热、大寒大冻、大坑大谷等的种种罪刑。

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