

戏靠故事新对应英文:The play by the new story

《茶童戏主》 赣南九龙山区住有百家茶户,全靠种茶为生。赣州府大茶商朝奉为掠夺茶农劳动果实,发放债银,廉价收买青苗,致使茶山乡亲连年遭受高利盘剥,无法为生。春天,朝...对应英文:"Tea boy play main" Gannan Jiulong Mountain district housing has hundred tea farmers, tea for a living all by. Ganzhou Fu Tea Shang as fruit plunder teaplanter labor, issuing debt silver, buy cheap crops, resulting in recent years by the usury, folks, unable to make a living. In the spring...

每个人都有自己的戏台,或配角,或主角.就如同下面的故事 小时候,每次和伙伴们玩检察抓小偷的游戏时,大家便...一件让人感动抑或让人伤心的事故,又何尝不是真实生活中的写...对应英文:Everyone has their own stage, or a supporting role, or lead. Just as the following story when I was young, every time with friends the thief game, everybody... A moving or sad accident, and did not in real life writing...

脱去躯壳变做一个美丽少女,为刘海洗衣做饭。在刘海回来之前将热腾腾的饭菜摆放在桌上,然后重新穿上躯壳隐于山中。 开始刘海也没有太在意,以为是邻居所帮。可一连数日...对应英文:Remove the body turned into a beautiful girl, to cook for the fringe washing. The bangs back before hot food placed on the table, and then to put on the body hidden in the mountains. Start the bangs do not care too much, think the neighbors to help. Can a few days...

莆仙戏传统剧目有五千多个,其中保留宋元南戏原貌或故事情节基本类似的剧目 有八十多个,有剧本流传的有五十多个,如《目连救母》、《活捉王魁》、《蔡伯喈》、《张洽》...对应英文:The traditional repertoire Puxian opera has more than 5000, which retained the original Southern Song or story similar repertoire of more than 80, the script is popular with more than 50, such as "Mulian", "alive", "Wang Kui", "Zhang Qia" Bojie cai...

士是唐玄宗最宠信的太监,皇太子管他叫「阿哥」、王公大臣管他叫「阿爹」。朝中的许多大官都是靠拍他的马屁才爬上来的。然而,李白却十分鄙视他。有一天,皇上想让李白写...对应英文:Who is Tang Xuanzong's most trusted eunuch, crown prince called him "elder brother", nobles called him "Dad". Many big Korean Central News is to rely on to butter him up to climb. However, Li Bai was despised him. One day, the emperor wanted Li Bai to write...

人入侵时,烽火台一个接一个地燃放烟火传递警报。每逢夜间预警,守台人点燃笼中柴草并把它举高,靠火光给领台传递信息,称为"烽",白天预警则点燃台上积存的薪草,以烟示急...对应英文:The invasion of Beacon Tower when, one by one, fireworks transfer alarm. Every night warning, keep people lit cages firewood and held it high, by the firelight to lead Taiwan transfer information, known as the "Feng", the day warning lit salary grass Taiwan accumulated, to smoke and anxious...

主演张静初 李晨 徐帆 导演冯小刚推荐指数★★★★★ 故事年唐山地震中,一位母亲只能选择救姐弟之一,母亲最终选择救了弟弟,但姐姐却奇迹生还,后被解放军收养,...对应英文:Starring Zhang Jingchu Li Chen director Xu Fan Feng Xiaogang recommended index ★★★★★ stories in Tangshan earthquake, a mother can only choose to save one of the siblings, mother finally chooses to save his brother, but my sister has miraculously survived after being adopted, the pla,...

等男人回来和他 。 男人做着做着发现了,尖叫着一丝不挂地跑出了帐篷。估计靠他那可怜的小心肝也是冻死在遥远的北方。 在极地,远离人类社会的地方,道德、信仰都...对应英文:The men with him. The man doing found in nature's garb, screaming out of the tent. Estimation by his poor little heart is frozen to death in the far north. In the Arctic, away from human society, morality, religion...

如果事事都抱着罗贯中的演绎来对照观看新《三国》,可能会看得很纠结,当然这其中也包括那些脱离了《三国演...只停留在不温不火地讲故事的高度。《三国》是一部群像戏,其吸...对应英文:If everything is holding Luo Guanzhong deduction to control to see the new "Three Kingdoms", may see very entanglements, of course, including those from the "Three Kingdoms play... Just stay in the tepid story height. "Three Kingdoms" is a group of drama, its absorption...

节奏感幽默感很强的抬轿两小兵、唱功一流的李相国......我没看好主角,他们因为故事情节才突出的,这场戏我觉得换了主角依然会做到完美,但是换了这些配角我难以想象。...对应英文:Rhythm is a strong sense of humor Taijiao two soldier, singing class Li Xiangguo... I didn't watch the protagonist, they because the stories was prominent, this scene, I think for the protagonist will still be perfect, but I imagine these supporting. ...


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