

八竿子打不着对应英文:None of left

他解决问题的蠢提案根本是八竿子打不着一条船。对应英文:His silly proposals for solution to the problem is not a boat of left.

一些人在报刊中长篇大论地互相争吵:挑衅性的,私人性的,报复性的,多数与建筑八竿子也打不着。对应英文:Some length in the newspapers and quarrel with each other, provocative, personal, vindictive, mostly with construction of left also.

国王表示:我唯一想说的就是,接下来我们会把这事儿放到“八竿子打不着”的地方去,现在我们的俱乐部里的每成员一个都会全力支持苏牙同学!对应英文:The king says: the only thing I want to say is, then we will put it in anything to do "not" where, now every member of our club will fully support Sue a tooth classmates!

一些人在报刊中长篇大论地互相争吵:挑衅性的,私人性的,报复性的,多数与建筑八竿子也打不着。对应英文:Some length in the newspapers and quarrel with each other, provocative, personal, vindictive, mostly with construction of left also.

国王表示:我唯一想说的就是,接下来我们会把这事儿放到“八竿子打不着”的地方去,现在我们的俱乐部里的每成员一个都会全力支持苏牙同学!对应英文:The king says: the only thing I want to say is, then we will put it in anything to do "not" where, now every member of our club will fully support Sue a tooth classmates!

就算是看起来八竿子打不着的领域也会提供给你新颖的想法。对应英文:Even it looks like none of left field will provide you with new ideas.

即便交友网站的功能如此强大,可是试图用它找到20年前在走廊擦肩而过的每一个人或八竿子打不着的朋友就实在有些荒唐了。对应英文:Even dating sites so powerful, but try to use it to find the passed 20 years ago in the hallway at every person or no friend of left some really ridiculous.


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