

百闻不如一见对应英文:Seeing is believing
百闻不如一见听得再多,也不如亲眼见到一次。出自《汉书·赵充国传》。词 目百闻不如一见发 音bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn释 义闻:听见。听得再多,也不如亲眼见到一次。出 处《汉书·赵充国传》:“百闻不如一见,兵难遥度,臣愿驰至金城,图上方略。”示 例从前画师所绘的狮子形,统是全身有毛,我观现在这狮子并不是这么样子,所以~。(《慈禧太后演义》第三十六回)英文翻译
Seeing is be

千言不如一画;百闻不如一见。对应英文:A picture is worth thousand words.

俗话说:百闻不如一见。对应英文:As the saying goes: seeing is believing.

当我第一次登上长城的时候,就被它的雄伟气势震惊了,真是百闻不如一见啊。对应英文:When I first time on the Great Wall, was shocked by the its majestic imposing manner, it was seeing is believing!

俗话说:百闻不如一见。对应英文:As the saying goes: seeing is believing.

出国留学的其中一个有利之处在于我们可以欣赏一个独特的文化,俗话说,百闻不如一见。对应英文:One advantage of studying abroad is that we can enjoy a unique culture, as the saying goes, seeing is believing.

当我第一次登上长城的时候,就被它的雄伟气势震惊了,真是百闻不如一见啊。对应英文:When I first time on the Great Wall, was shocked by the its majestic imposing manner, it was seeing is believing!

百闻不如一见,欢迎国内外商家、朋友来我公司光临指导,看样洽谈。对应英文:Seeing is believing, welcome the domestic and foreign merchants and friends come to visit our company, see sample.

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