

顾头不顾腚对应英文:The first of Gu buttocks

这个还要说,你是不是小学毕业的.不就是成语"顾此失彼"的意思.如果你还不懂的话,就请你去查查成语词典吧!唉!悲哀!对应英文:Would also like to say this, you Is it right? Primary school graduation. No is the phrase "care for this and lose that." if you can't understand me, then please check the idiom dictionary! Alas! Sad!

鸵鸟对应英文:The ostrich

.看到野鸡就使劲的追,追的它累了就会一头钻进草丛,顾头不顾腚的呆在那里不动了.用套子,下面有几种野鸡套的做法.用媒子引诱,然后在地上布置活套.超声波抓野鸡...对应英文:The pheasant. See hard chase, chase it tired will head into the bushes, the first of Gu buttocks of stay there. Use a condom, there are some pheasant set of practices. Using the media sub tempted, and then arranged in the ground loop ultrasonic catch the pheasant...

我有多爱你~多疼你~可是你这个丫头,总是犯错,不知道会改,说得好听,可是古一会就忘了,顾头不顾腚的,粗心得不得了,没有人照顾你,管教你,你还不上天了乖~老公也不是不讲...对应英文:I love you ~ love you ~ but you this girl, always make mistakes, don't know will change, a nice thing to say, but in a moment to forget, the first of Gu buttocks, careless to go, no one to take care of you, but you, you are not God well behaved ~ husband also do not speak...

一时间头都大了,可是人家老板的厚黑学的功力深厚,采取了鸵鸟战术,顾头不顾腚了,把头埋在沙子里装作啥都没有发生一样。 终于,有的老用户琢磨过味来了,你...对应英文:A time to have a big head, but the boss of the black school deep skill, take the ostrich tactic, the first of Gu buttocks, head buried in the sand to pretend nothing happened. Finally, some old users pondering the flavor, you...

【顾前不顾后】只顾及前面而忘了后面。形容做事或考虑事不仔细周到。【顾头不顾腚】形容做事或考虑事不仔细周到。【顾头不顾脚】比喻只顾眼前,不顾今后,缺乏通盘打...对应英文:[drive ahead without considering the consequences] only and forget the back front. Describe the work or not careful consideration. [the first of Gu buttocks] describe things or things not careful consideration. [first regardless of foot care] analogy only the immediate, regardless of the future, the lack of an overall play...

一时间头都大了,可是人家老板的厚黑学的功力深厚,采取了鸵鸟战术,顾头不顾腚了,把头埋在沙子里装作啥都没有发生一样。    终于,有的老用户琢磨过味来了...对应英文:A time to have a big head, but the boss of the black school deep skill, take the ostrich tactic, the first of Gu buttocks, head buried in the sand to pretend nothing happened. Finally, some old users pondering the flavor...

拱木不生危 共饮一江水 狗眼看人低 狗咬吕洞宾 鼓破众人捶顾前不顾后 顾三不顾四 顾头不顾腚 顾头不顾脚 顾头不顾尾 瓜皮搭李皮瓜皮搭李树 观今宜鉴古 观者如堵墙 官...对应英文:Arch wood not dangerous to drink a river act like a snob dog Lv Dongbin drum break and hammer drive ahead without considering the consequences Gu three despite four first of Gu buttocks first regardless of foot care impertinent melon rind on the view of Li Shu take the Sagrada we should take advantages of the ancient Spectators stood round like a wall. wall officer...

顾头不顾腚  屎壳郎跟着孔雀飞 变不成俊鸟  树桩上的鸟儿 迟早要飞  死了的啄木鸟 好硬的嘴嘴硬  松鼠想吃树上鸟 办不到没法办  隼鸟打猎 帮凶  天要下...对应英文:The first of Gu buttocks dung beetle with the peacock flies never turned into a handsome bird stump birds fly died sooner or later woodpecker hard mouth stubborn squirrels eat tree birds can't can't do Hayabusa hunting accomplice day to the next...

你走起路来跌跌撞 撞,经常在玻璃上碰了 额头或是在门框上 碰了鼻子,有点 顾头不顾腚 的意思 好像 脑对应英文:You walk down bump, often in the glass touch the forehead or on the doorframe touched the nose, a little first of Gu buttocks mean like brain


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