

被人卖了还帮着数钱对应英文:People are selling them to count the money

形容人傻,被别人利用了。意思是你身边的朋友,反正是离你很近人,用你相信他的心,才欺骗你或利用你。等你发现时就会知道看清楚他这个人对应英文:Describe people stupid, to be used by others. Are you friends, because it is very near from you, believe his heart with you, to deceive you or using you. Will you find that see him

还感谢对方或是帮助对方 来源好像是以前拐卖妇女,把她卖的时候还帮着拐卖她的人数自己被卖的钱数,自己确还不知道自己被拐卖了,由此而来,也形容自己被人耍了,笨的意思...对应英文:Also thank each other or source is used as trafficking in women and help each other, when she also sold for trafficking in her count money is to sell, I really did not know he was kidnapped, consequently, describes himself as being fooled, stupid...

意思就是你被别人骗了被别人出卖了,但是你还当他是好人,当他是朋友。被别人出卖了,你还不自知对应英文:It means you are cheated out of being betrayed, but you also when he is a good man, when he is a friend. Being betrayed, you do not know

傻不傻,别人说得.快不快乐,自己知道. 事无常理,人言飞短流长对应英文:Don't be silly, others say. Happy or not, you know. Things without sense, people talk behind sb.'s back

就是说你这个人没脑子,别人拿你当枪使你却不知情,做成的事情的功劳全被别人占去了 采纳啊谢谢对应英文:That is to say you have no brain, others take you when gun but you know, do all of the credit of the others to adopt ah thank you

真诚就好,吃夸是福麻,心中有佛便成佛对应英文:Sincere good, eat boast is fu MA, a Buddha is Buddha heart

再见兄弟- 安亚泽 给分吧 谢谢啦对应英文:Goodbye brother An Yaze to thank

现在都是这样 当官了 就了不起嘛 该他们歪对应英文:Now is such an officer is amazing. The them crooked

小苏三 下载 推荐者--乌龙欢 推荐理由作者的生花妙笔带我进入了的一个叫夜融雪的女孩的内心世界。该文文笔顺畅,故事感人。首先是围绕在女主周围的那理不清是情、...对应英文:Little Su three download - Oolong Huan recommended reason the beautiful style of writing. took me into a night snow girl's inner world. In this paper, writing is smooth, touching story. The first is around there women around the unclear is love,...

不知道是你说的太深奥,还是我的理解有问题,为什么我不懂你说的是神马意思呢对应英文:Don't know what you say is too deep, or I understand a problem, why don't I know you said is what mean


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