

不食人间烟火  (bù shí rén jiān yān huǒ) 解释:道教称神仙或修道者不吃熟食。比喻人有出世之意。也比喻诗画之意高超,不凡凡俗。 出处:宋·阮阅《诗话总龟前集》卷九引《直方诗话》:“坡读其诗,叹息云:此不是吃烟火食人道底言语。” 示例:“红藕香残玉簟秋”七字,便有吞梅嚼雪,~气。 ★清·梁绍壬《两般秋雨庵随笔》卷三

她由单身母亲英格丽特抚养,英格丽特是一位自我意识极强的诗人,她用酝酿诗句时的手法和一派不食人间烟火的态度塑造自己的女儿。对应英文:She was raised by a single mother Ingrid, Ingrid is a very self-centered poet, her poem brewing techniques and an otherworldly attitude to create their own daughter.

我怕现实中的我没有那么好,那么乖,那么浪漫,那么美,那么不食人间烟火。对应英文:I'm afraid my reality is not so good, so good, so romantic, so beautiful, so otherworldly.

但是,我也不是不食人间烟火。就像众多美国人一样,在民主党低迷不前的这段日子里我很难不感到沮丧。对应英文:However, I also not anthropophagi firework. Like most Americans, while democracy has gone. I hardly felt depressed.

她由单身母亲英格丽特抚养,英格丽特是一位自我意识极强的诗人,她用酝酿诗句时的手法和一派不食人间烟火的态度塑造自己的女儿。对应英文:She was raised by a single mother Ingrid, Ingrid is a very self-centered poet, her poem brewing techniques and an otherworldly attitude to create their own daughter.

我怕现实中的我没有那么好,那么乖,那么浪漫,那么美,那么不食人间烟火。对应英文:I'm afraid my reality is not so good, so good, so romantic, so beautiful, so otherworldly.

但是,我也不是不食人间烟火。就像众多美国人一样,在民主党低迷不前的这段日子里我很难不感到沮丧。对应英文:However, I also not anthropophagi firework. Like most Americans, while democracy has gone. I hardly felt depressed.

圣约翰的宗教观﹐太不食人间烟火﹐简爱不敢苟同﹐她曾说﹐圣约翰对上帝的爱仍是一无所知。对应英文:St. John's religious view, too not anthropophagi firework, Jane love beg to differ, she said, St. John's love for God is still know nothing at all.

一个人走在大街上,看,没有其他人可以呆的打扰,不需要与人沟通,并且有自己的心的深处的经验和不食人间烟火。对应英文:A person walking in the street, look, no one else can stay bother, do not need to communicate with people, deep and has its own heart experiences and otherworldly.

阿泰不食人间烟火,他靠太阳能。对应英文:Artest not anthropophagi firework, he relies on solar energy.

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