

学在苦中求对应英文:In the bitter seeking

你要学到东西,必然要经历艰难困苦 你想掌握一门技术,一定要勤劳肯干! 个人理解,仅供参考对应英文:You want to learn something, you must go through the difficulties and hardships to master a technology, must be hardworking personal understanding, for reference purposes only

要想学习就必须吃苦,想学艺就要勤奋 出自哪里就不知道了,不好意思对应英文:To learn to endure hardship, want to learn will be diligent from where do not know, feel shy

要想学习就必须吃苦,想学艺就要勤奋 出自哪里就不知道了,不好意思 啊对应英文:To learn to endure hardship, want to learn will be diligent from where do not know, feel shy

条件艰苦对学习造成不利的条件,但只要肯吃苦,有良好的学习态度,就可以克服各种困难,一样可以取得成功。对应英文:The harsh conditions adverse conditions for learning, but as long as willing to endure hardship, have a good learning attitude, can overcome various difficulties, as can be successful.

可当我迈进初中后,才真正的了解到初中生活并不像想象的那么简单。 初中的学习科目越来越多作业越来越难知识越来越复杂自然酸甜苦辣也体会得越来越深 酸 初中生活...对应英文:But when I entered junior high school, really aware of junior high school life is not so simple as it seems. Junior high school to learn subjects more and more work has become more and more difficult knowledge more and more complex natural sour, sweet, bitter, hot also understand more and more deep acid junior high school life...

品尝一口,满是苦涩,但细细回味时,苦中带甜,涩中有香。驾一叶扁舟,在茫茫大海上航行时何等的苦啊,以此比学...会喜形于色,当你在学习中取得优良成绩时。会感到由衷的喜悦...对应英文:A taste, is full of bitterness, but careful aftertaste, bitter sweet, sweet astringent. Riding a boat, sailing in the sea, how hard ah, this ratio will light up with pleasure, when you learn... To achieve excellent results in the. Would be delighted...

原因是.动画片里的句子往往是非常简单而常用的,用来英语写作非常方便. .传统的书面学习英语写作的方法过于笼统与抽象化,而看动画片,既轻松,又能起到学习的作用. 需...对应英文:The reason is. In the cartoon sentences tend to be very simple and common, to English writing is very convenient. Methods written English writing tradition is too general and abstract, and watching cartoons, relaxed, and can play the role for learning...

甜,就是这样,像米粮吃进嘴里。 苦 在小学的最后一个学年我才领悟到什么叫做学习--每天早出晚归,天天在题海中"漫游"。这不,语文老师留下的两黑板题刚抄完,数学老师又带...对应英文:Sweet, that is, like the food into his mouth. Bitter in the last year of primary school I realized what is called learning -- every day from morning to evening, every day in the sea "roaming". This does not, two blackboard question left just copied the Chinese teacher, math teacher and...

在日常学习中,老师要求高,作业多,任务重,家长还要我学这学那,连星期六、日都没有休息,我真是苦不堪言。但如果真正想要学好知识,就非得长期地、刻苦地、坚持不懈地学习...对应英文:In the daily learning, the teacher asked high, work, the task is heavy, the parents should I learn this and that, even on Saturday, days without a break, I'm really suffer unspeakably. But if you really want to learn the knowledge, must be long, hard unremittingly, learning...

我喜欢学习,但是学习却有四种味道,酸、甜、苦、辣。 我先说说酸吧!酸的滋味可不是那么好受的。有一次,我考试考得很差,老师说我太马虎。下课了,同学们都盯着我看,有些...对应英文:I like learning, but learning has four kinds of taste, acid, sweet, bitter, spicy. I first talk about the acid! Acid taste is not so good. Once, I exam is very poor, the teacher said I was too careless. After class, the students are staring at me, some...


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