

扯淡,是中国民间文化的经典造词,根据地域不同有各种叫法,比如:白呼,忽悠,夸白等,又因为各地的文化差异,很难给予准确的定义,只能求大同定义为:没有根据的闲扯、没事干胡说八道。 扯淡chědàn  [nonsense;talk nonsense] 〈方〉∶胡扯;闲扯  

不,他根本就不信这些扯淡。对应英文:No, he did not believe it.

那完全是扯淡, 别信他!对应英文:It is a joke, don't believe him!

这完全是瞎扯淡。对应英文:This is complete bullshit.

这份关于扯淡的论文就源于那种斗争。对应英文:The new paper originates from the kind of struggle.

我们的文化最显著的特色之一就是有太多的扯淡。对应英文:One of the most salient features of our culture is that there are too many.

我们对扯淡相比于说谎有更多的宽容,这是法兰克福先生认为值得考虑的问题。对应英文:We all compared to lie more tolerant, it is Frankfurt that question.

它让你有一些非常真实的想法。 很有深度,有意义,而当第二天你再想那些时会觉得很扯淡。对应英文:It allows you to have some very real idea. Very deep, meaningful, and when the second days when you remember them, will feel.

快餐巨头汉堡王同他的主要特许经销商之间爆发了一场有关路边标语的争论,上面写道“全球变暖是扯淡”。对应英文:A related roadside banners dispute erupted between the fast food giant burger king and one of its major franchises, "global warming is baloney".

当然,有时候它们也有好处,但更多的时候它们都是无聊的,全是扯淡或者没用的信息,简单一个电子邮件或电话就能取而代之。对应英文:Of course, sometimes they're good, but most of the time they're boring, full of crap or useless information, replace sb. a simple email or phone call can.

研究人员想要得到回答的问题是:如果实验者继续无视他们,与他人瞎扯淡长达10分钟,这些参与者将打断他们谈话的百分比会是多少。对应英文:The researchers wanted to answer the question is: if the experimenter continues to ignore them, and others bullsh for up to 10 minutes, the percentage of these players will be interrupted their conversation will be how much.

趁着你还清醒(总之是大多数人吧),让我们看看一些关于喝酒的扯淡吧。对应英文:While we're awake (in most people it), let us have a look about drinking bullshit.

有一堆专家认为内容是唯一重要的东西,但我个人认为他们是在扯淡。对应英文:A lot of experts say that the content is the only thing that matters, but I personally think that they are full of shit.

贝陵尔对于高电价做出更为直率的反应:“这是扯淡,”他对华盛顿观察报这样说到。对应英文:Bereel for the high price more blunt reaction: "this is bullshit," he told the Washington observer.

“扯淡”,我太太说。对应英文:"Bullshit", I said.

他也认为这些所谓的改革简直就是“扯淡”。对应英文:He also believes that the so-called reform is "for the birds".

但秦行长并没有在高举社会主义现代化伟大旗帜的话题上扯淡,他却鼓励这些毕业生们要抵制世间的浮华,去追求诸如自由和民主的普世价值。对应英文:But the president did not lie in Qin hold high the great banner of socialism modernization on the topic, he encouraged them to resist the worldly pomp, to pursue such as freedom and democracy a universal value.

今年,我要带上一个简单精致的棋盘游戏,和大家一起对抽象图片扯扯淡。对应英文:This year, I want to take the last the simple elegance of the chess game, and everyone together to pull all abstract images.

抱歉啊,不是跟你说,我刚才正跟我一个东北朋友扯淡呢,小郭。对应英文:Sorry, not to say with you, I just told me a northeast friend bullshit, guo.

兄弟们,有传言说美国不想战斗,想置身于战争之外,这纯粹是扯淡。对应英文:Brothers, there are rumours that American don't want to fight, want to keep out of war, this is pure bullshit.

这并不是说我没有在网络上闲扯淡的时间。对应英文:This is not to say that I have no leisure time on the Internet.

由于“限制和交易”计划(某些激进的共和党人称之为“扯淡和征税”①)引发了广泛争议,雷德先生现在已拒绝使用这个术语,转而使用“控制污染”之类的词语。对应英文:Because the "cap and trade" plan (some radical Republicans called "crap and tax") caused the widespread dispute, Mr Reid has refused to use the term, and the use of "pollution control" and the words.

卡尔伯特在这个问题上的观点和用词都借鉴了普林斯顿大学教授哈里・法兰克福2005年出版的一本小册子《论扯淡》。对应英文:Calbert's views on this issue and words from the Princeton University professor Harry Frankfurt in 2005 published a pamphlet "theory.".

其实早在1930年,美国军方就已形成一个着手培养女飞行员的提案,结果五角大楼的批复意见是:“纯属扯淡!”对应英文:In fact, as early as in 1930, USA army had already broached the female pilot proposal, the The Pentagon's reply: "is bullshit!"

“然而,有关扯淡的甚至最基本和最初始的问题一直都存在,”法兰克福先生写道,“不仅没有人回答,而且没有人问。”对应英文:"However, because even the most basic and initial problem has always existed," Mr. Frankfurt wrote, "not only did not answer, but no one asked."

水泡茶天经地义,所以以前那些关于男人是泥、是墙、是钢筋塔吊等稀奇古怪的比喻也统统都是扯淡。对应英文:Bubble tea as unalterable principles, so before those of men like mud, wall, steel tower, strange and eccentric metaphor also is all bullshit.

俗语扯淡chě dàn是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/2011.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

     1.胡说乱道。 明 田汝成 《西湖游览志馀·委巷丛谈》:“[ 杭 人]又有讳本语而巧为俏语者……言胡说曰‘扯淡’。”《醒世恒言·汪大尹火焚宝莲寺》:“我想当初佛爷,也是扯淡!”《儒林外史》第二二回:“ 卜诚 道:‘没得扯淡!就算你相与老爷,你到底不是个老爷!’”      2.指闲扯。《西游记》第六四回:“但不可空过,也要扯淡几句。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·修札》:“无事消闲扯淡,就中滋味酸甜。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致增田涉》:“所谓‘扯淡’一词,实较难译。也就是没有可说而又强要说,既无帮闲的才能,又要做帮闲的事之类。”      3.没意思;不相干。 明 纪振伦 《三桂联芳记·征途》:“思量做这官儿,真个叫做扯淡,一连饿了三日,不尝半口汤饭。” 清 赵庆熺 《香销酒醒曲·雨窗排闷》:“西风裏,这扯淡的芭蕉惹是非。” 魏巍 《东方》第一部第十章:“‘别问这扯淡的话吧,’有人反对说,‘当兵打仗,山南海北,这哪有个准儿!’” 更多相关词条>>

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