

帅旗一倒众兵逃对应英文:Handsome flag down all the soldiers fled

邓茂抿了抿干裂的嘴唇,亲自拿着帅旗,督阵,黄巾贼兵都拼了命的往前冲,因为冲晚了   迎接自己的将是自己首领亲卫营的屠刀。   一架架临时捆绑的云梯,从四面八...对应英文:Deng Maomin smooth chapped lips, personally took the handsome flag, the governor, his yellow spelled a life to go forward, because the red late to meet their own is their chief Wei Ying dear knife. A frame of temporary binding of the ladder, from all eight...

定要打胜三次,为各位突出重围,斩杀汉将,砍倒帅旗,让各位知道这是上天要亡我,不是我用兵打仗的错误。"于是..."命令四队骑兵一起向下冲击,约定在山的东面分三处集合。于是...对应英文:To three won, you break through a tight encirclement, Han will be beheaded, cut the shuaiqi, let you know this is the God to death me, I not only the wrong war. "So..." command four cavalry down together with the shock, the meeting in the east side of the mountain in three. Therefore.

七月,文天祥便在南剑州(今福建南平)打起帅旗,号召四方英雄豪杰,各各起兵,民复失地。年三月,文天祥统兵进军江西,收复南部数十州县,同时围困赣州,湖南、湖北皆起而响...对应英文:In July, Wen Tianxiang in Nan Jianzhou (now Fujian Nanping) playing the handsome flag, called the four outstanding figures, each people revolted, complex land. In March, Wen Tianxiang the soldiers into Jiangxi, recover the southern dozens of counties, and the siege of Ganzhou, Hunan, Hubei and ring...

可以成功的反迂回,而且赚功绩,所以最废材的,就派去反迂回把. ,帅旗要小心不要让敌人夺了.最好设一队兵坚守,因为一离开,往往回防很慢.而敌人骑兵老是夺帅棋,砍几下,...对应英文:Can be successful anti roundabout, and earn merit, so the waste material, sent to detour., handsome flag must be careful not to let the enemy took a team of soldiers. The best stick, because of a left back, often very slowly. While the enemy cavalry always deprived of chess, cut a few,...

配上长矛兵,可以成功的反迂回,而且赚功绩,所以最废材的,就派去反迂回把. ,帅旗要小心不要让敌人夺了.最好设一队兵坚守,因为一离开,往往回防很慢.而敌人骑兵老是夺帅...对应英文:With the Lancer, can successful anti roundabout, and earn merit, so the waste material, sent to detour., handsome flag must be careful not to let the enemy took a team of soldiers. The best stick, because of a left back, often very slowly. While the enemy cavalry always wins...

张辽率手下强兵将士人冲锋陷阵,连杀敌兵无数,直冲到孙权帅旗之下。孙权大惊失色,部将闻风丧胆,不战而逃。后来发现张辽部下仅几百人,才又返回,把张辽包围起来,面对...对应英文:Zhang Liao rate under strong soldiers who charge into the enemy ranks, even kill enemy soldiers countless, went straight to the Sun Quan handsome flag. Sun Quan be frightened and change color, will tremble with fear on hearing of, not flee war. Later found Zhang Liao men only hundreds of people, then return, the Zhang Liao surrounded, face...

《周礼.春宫.巾车》"建大麾。""麾",亦作"指挥"、"招手"讲。麾下,谓在将帅旗之下。《史记.魏其武安侯传》"独二人及从奴十数骑,驰入吴军,至吴麾下,所杀伤数十人。"《汉...对应英文:"Zhou Li. Pornography. Towel car" "a large hui. "" Hui ", or" command "," wave ". That's in general, under the banner of. "Records of the historian. Wei Wuan Hou biography" "only two people and dozens of riding from slavery, into the Wu Jun, and Wu's killing dozens of people, the. "Han"...

张辽自知不能死守合肥,必须主动出击,率手下强兵将士人冲锋陷阵,连杀敌兵无数,直冲到孙权帅旗之下。孙权大惊失色,部将闻风丧胆,不战而逃。后来发现张辽部下仅几百人...对应英文:Zhang Liao self-knowledge can't defend Hefei, must take the initiative, rate of men strong soldiers who charge into the enemy ranks, even kill enemy soldiers countless, went straight to the Sun Quan handsome flag. Sun Quan be frightened and change color, will tremble with fear on hearing of, not flee war. Later found Zhang Liao men only hundreds of people...

起义军缴获了孙传庭的帅旗,士气大振,一鼓作气,乘胜攻破潼关。孙传庭与监军副使乔迁高策马大呼,战死阵中。对应英文:Rebels seized Sun Chuanting's handsome flag, morale, done in one vigorous effort, exploit a victory against Tongguan. Sun Chuanting and Jian Jun Deputy make for high horses screaming, died in the array.

起义军缴获了孙传庭的帅旗,士气大振,一鼓作气,乘胜攻破潼关。孙传庭与监军副使乔迁高策马大呼,战死阵中。但是孙传庭的尸体一直未找到,以至后来崇祯帝对其下落产生了怀...对应英文:Rebels seized Sun Chuanting's handsome flag, morale, done in one vigorous effort, exploit a victory against Tongguan. Sun Chuanting and Jian Jun Deputy make for high horses screaming, died in the array. But Sun Chuanting's body has not been found, and then the emperor Chongzhen to the whereabouts of the arms...


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