

死人头上无对证对应英文:No official head of the dead

如果病症属中医"热症"范畴就不宜用人参、附子、天雄一类的温热性药物,"寒症"范畴则不宜用黄连等。对证侯下药,是一个基本原则,否则就会有所不合。对应英文:If the disease is a traditional Chinese medicine "and" category should not be with ginseng, aconite, Tianxiong kind of warm drug, "cold" category is not coptis root etc.. Check Hou drug, is a basic principle, otherwise it will differ somewhat.

死无对证。光棍没有牵连头。要不现在这个连坐多可怕啊坏帐烂帐唯一能平了并且不把自己牵连进去把自己的工作弄丢的方式就是既不害自己也尽可能的少伤害别人。死人谁还...对应英文:There was no testimony of witness after the conspirator passed away. Singles are not implicated in the head. Or this pants how terrible bad loans only flat and not himself implicated his work lost way is neither harm themselves as less as possible harm to others. The dead who...

七死八活 起死回生 强死赖活 强死强活 七生七死 七死七生 起死人,肉白骨 起死人而肉白骨 起死人肉白骨 千...誓同生死 生拖死拽 死无对证 死亡无日 死无葬身之地 士为知己...对应英文:Almost dead make the dead come back to life Qiangsilaihuo strong dead live strong Qishengqisi Qisiqisheng oblige people that the meat bones to human bones of thousands... Pledge ourselves to live and die together drag head and ears mm Siwangwuri come to a bad end for friends...

造假商买不起的),他们会告诉你,国外产的包装就是这样(反正你没见过国外的正品,死无对证) %的淘宝卖家都是无本代销,帮卖精仿、过期处理品的"贸易公司"(一般没有工商...对应英文:Fraud business can't afford), they will tell you, packaging production abroad is such (anyway, you haven't seen the foreign goods, the MM)% Taobao sellers are free to sell, to help sell fine imitation, expired goods "trade company" (no business...

拼死拼活 破死忘生 七生七死 七死八活 七死七生 起死回生 起死人,肉白骨 起死人而肉白骨 起死人肉白骨 千...死声淘气 死亡无日 死亡枕藉 死无对证 死无葬身之地 死心搭地...对应英文:Desperately broken dead forget born Qishengqisi almost dead make the dead come back to life Qisiqisheng oblige people that the meat bones to human bones of thousands of... Sishengtaoqi Siwangwuri Siwangzhenji dumb witness come to a bad end Sixindadi...

起死回生 强死赖活 强死强活 七生七死 七死七生 起死人,肉白骨 起死人而肉白骨 起死人肉白骨 千生万死 轻...誓同生死 生拖死拽 死无对证 死亡无日 死无葬身之地 士为知己...对应英文:Make the dead come back to life Qiangsilaihuo strong dead live strong Qishengqisi Qisiqisheng oblige people that the meat bones to human bones have a narrow escape light... Pledge ourselves to live and die together drag head and ears mm Siwangwuri come to a bad end for friends...

拼死拼活 破死忘生 七生七死 七死八活 起死回生 起死人,肉白骨 千生万死 死赖活 庆父不死,鲁难未已 人生自...死亡无日 死亡枕藉 死无对证 死无葬身之地 死心塌地 死心踏...对应英文:Desperately broken dead forget born almost dead make the dead come back to life Qishengqisi oblige have a narrow escape death live Lai Qing father dies, Lu has not been difficult life... Siwangwuri Siwangzhenji dumb witness come to a bad end up riding hell-bent...

无言的证人、死无对证、绿屋疑云) / 尼罗河上的惨案(尼罗河谋杀案...古宅迷踪(假戏成真、死人的殿堂、弄假成真) ...对应英文:Silent witness, the mm, green clouds) / on the Nile. (the Nile murder... The old house behind (true, false play dead hall, real)...

中国的传统又过于宽待死人,有'为亡者讳'之说。可见,人一死,诸多好处便接踵而至死无对证就算一条,生前的种种负债都一笔勾销了,做错的事也别提了。无论做了恶鬼的坏蛋,...对应英文:China traditional too with the dead, for the dead are 'taboo' say. Visible, people died, many benefits then heel and death without check if a, all sorts of debt before all cancel once for all the wrong things, also don't mention it. No matter what the devil's bad guy,...

七死七生 起死回生 强死赖活 强死强活 轻死重气 起死人,肉白骨 轻死重义 人死留名 人为财死,鸟为食亡 千生...死亡无日 死亡枕藉 死无对证 死心搭地 死心落地 死心塌地 死...对应英文:Qisiqisheng make the dead come back to life Qiangsilaihuo strong dead live strong Qingsizhongqi oblige light die heavy righteousness when people die for money, birds die for food thousands of life... Siwangwuri Siwangzhenji mm Sixindadi Sixinluodi hell-bent death...


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