

知识就是力量对应英文:Knowledge is power

知识就是力量,智慧使人美丽。对应英文:Knowledge is power and wisdom to make people beautiful.

这个时代每个人都知道,知识就是力量。对应英文:Everyone knows that in this age, knowledge is power.

知识就是力量,但有时也会成为威胁——既然这样我们只是想在对待这个方面的问题得到彻底的了解。对应英文:Knowledge is power, but sometimes will also be a threat - in this case we just want to treat this problem radically.

知识就是力量,在往错误的方向买一大步之前,尽可能收集所有信息是不会有害的。对应英文:Knowledge is power, buy a big step in the wrong direction, as far as possible to collect all the information is not harmful.

此消息一直被紧紧的封锁着,乔纳森•福瑞尔一直在调查,据说,“知识就是力量”这句谚语已经深深的烙在了白俄罗斯人的头脑中。对应英文:Information is tightly controlled and as Jonathan freyer has been finding out, it is said that the saying "knowledge is power" could have been coined with belarus in mind.

他还指出,参加“知识就是力量”项目的学校特别优秀,这些学校愿意参加实验以期排名上升。对应英文:He also pointed out that "knowledge is power" outstanding project school, the school is willing to participate in the experiment in order to climb.

知识就是力量,当有人不同意你的经营理念,它就是你的盾牌,是一把砍去你心中疑虑的剑。对应英文:Knowledge is power, when people don't agree with you, it is your shield and is a doubt cut your heart sword.

“知识就是力量”,Haberland女士说,“我认为我知晓了自己癌症的各种风险现实以后,使得我在经历治疗的过程中更加自如”。对应英文:"Knowledge is power," Ms. Haberland said, "I think I know her cancer risks reality, make me more comfortable after treatment in the process of".

Rachel Wolf,新学校网络项目总裁,在一次去纽约参观一所由Kipp(知识就是力量)经营的特许学校后,深有感触。对应英文:Rachel Wolf, President of the new school network project, on a trip to New York to visit by a Kipp (knowledge is power) after the operation of charter schools, that.

如今,“知识就是力量”很可能是最千真万确的格言,而信息获取则将可能是对所有人提出的最关键要求。对应英文:Today, "knowledge is power" may well be the most true maxim, and access to information will likely be the most critical requirements for all people.

在当今世界,知识就是力量。我们应该学更多知识去适应这个社会。对应英文:In today's world, knowledge is power.

他们习惯说知识就是力量。我以前也是这样,但现在我知道他们说的是钱。对应英文:They used to say knowledge is power.

知识就是力量而巨大的财富能买到秘密,但是只有少数人能够承担得起这个代价。对应英文:Knowledge is power and wealth can buy a secret, but only a few people can afford the cost.

“有道是知识就是力量,过去患者和医生之间的一些失衡将被平衡,”他们写道。对应英文:"Tao is the knowledge is power, in the past some imbalances will be balanced between patients and doctors," they wrote.

知识就是力量,你们将会看到,那些独裁者们是如何的,一成不变的镇压或者毁灭那些曾被很好教导过的人们。对应英文:Knowledge is power, you will see, how are those dictators, invariable repression or destroy those who have been well taught.

有一样东西,我是慢慢体会到的:人说知识就是力量,我说。对应英文:There is one thing, I'm slowly realize: people say that knowledge is power, I said.

如果像弗朗西斯·培根曾写的:知识就是力量,那么创造力就是运用那种力量的能力。对应英文:If, as Francis Bacon wrote: knowledge is power, then creativity is the ability to use that power.

我们都知道知识就是力量,由于科学技术的快速发展,如果我们不学习就跟不上社会的脚步。对应英文:We all know that knowledge is power, due to the rapid development of science and technology, if we don't learn can't keep up with the steps of society.

如果像弗朗斯培根1597年曾写的:知识就是力量。那么创造力就是运用那种力量的能力。对应英文:If, as frans bacon wrote in 1597: knowledge is power.

“知识就是力量”,400年前培根的名言在今天成为事实,知识已经成为当今推动全球经济发展的主要动力和源泉。对应英文:"Knowledge is power", 400 years ago bacon's words in today become a reality, knowledge has become the main power source and to promote the development of the global economy.

知识就是力量,知识是你赖以生存的基础,各方面综合起来的知识就是企业文化,企业文化是团队建设永续发展的基础。对应英文:Knowledge is power, knowledge is the foundation of your live, together all aspects of the knowledge is the corporate culture, corporate culture is the foundation of team construction of sustainable development.

在华盛顿东南,AIM Academy是美国99所“知识就是力量计划”认证学校之一,Lisa Suben在这里教授五年级的数学。对应英文:In southeast Washington, AIM Academy is America's 99 "knowledge is power programme" certification is one of the school, where Lisa Suben teaches fifth-grade math.

当然,即使是最强有力的知识形式,即使是宗教真理也必须受制于最终的裁决者,也就是个人的良心和推理的力量。对应英文:Even the most powerful forms of knowledge, of course, even religious truth must be subject to the final arbiter, also is the power of personal conscience and reasoning.

知识就是力量,但有时也会成为威胁——既然这样我们只是想在对待这个方面的问题得到彻底的了解。对应英文:Knowledge is power, but sometimes will also be a threat - in this case we just want to treat this problem radically.

有句话说“知识就是力量”,在这一领域它仍是真理。对应英文:There is a saying "knowledge is power", it is still in the field of truth.

知识就是力量,这代表你会被未知的东西所伤害(至少是造成你收入的损失)。对应英文:Knowledge is power, it means you will be hurt by something unknown (or at least to cause you loss of income).

就消费者产品安全问题而言,知识就是力量仍然是硬道理。对应英文:In terms of the consumer product safety issues, knowledge is power is still a hard truth.

他说:“我们知道知识就是力量,有知识的人就会统治整个世界。”对应英文:He said: "we know knowledge is power, a man of knowledge will rule the whole world."

Paul Tough关注的是KIPP(“知识就是力量”项目)学校的合伙创始人Dave Levin,它试图将麦肯锡的管理手段应用于解决学校一系列问题上。对应英文:Paul's focus is Tough KIPP (the knowledge is power "project) the school's co-founder Dave Levin, it attempts to McKinsey, a management method is applied to solve a series of problems in school.

他们会让你不朽,因为他们本身就是不朽的。一个人的价值有多大在于他懂得多少,聪明之人无所无能。没有知识,世界便没有阳光。智慧和力量,眼睛和手。对应英文:They will make you immortal, because they itself is immortal.


  《知识就是力量》杂志是由中国科协、全国总工会、团中央三家共同主办,中国科协主管,1956年创刊的大型综合性科普期刊,敬爱的周恩来总理亲笔为杂志题写了刊名。《知识就是力量》,为您讲述最新疾病类型,解说生命起源之迷,探究未来世界模型,论述现代科学热点。“人生的感悟”,偶一回眸;奥秘的探索,惊奇发现。新的时代,更需要知识的指导;新的观念,力量本源自知识。本刊异彩纷呈,精彩不容错过。穿在身上的是美丽的衣裳,扮饰心灵的是智慧的翅膀。请带着《知识就是力量》踏上未来之路,最靓的感觉一定属于你!   刊 名:知识就是力量   刊 期:月刊   联合主办:中国科学技术协会   中华全国总工会   中国共产主义青年团中央委员会   出 版:《知识就是力量》杂志社   主 任:高 潮   副 主 任:李奇生杨 岳 金 涛   执行委员:董素民   主 编:白丽娟   社 址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街16号   邮 编:100081   国际刊号:ISSN 0529-150X   中国刊号:CN11-1647/N   邮发代号:2-280   国外代号:M230   国内定价:9.00元 更多相关词条>>

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