

伸手不打笑面人对应英文:Stretch hand not to beat a man who laughs

即使要回绝这个人的问题也好,要求也罢,会因为这个人热情或礼貌,在回绝的时候婉转一样。人都是有感情的对应英文:Even if rejected the man's problem or requirements, or will be, because this person enthusiasm or polite euphemism refused, in time. People have feelings

(谚语)比喻不向和颜悦色的人发怒对应英文:(saying) analogy not angry with a benign countenance

基本也就是一楼所说的意思。伸手不打笑脸人。意思就是说和人见面的时候要讲点情面。对应英文:Basic is a floor mean. Not to fight hand smiling face. Time means and meet people to say love.

有俗话说伸手不打笑面人。当你面对情绪激动的顾客,有时候往往一句热情的问候一个温馨的微笑,就足以在顾客的心灵中洒下一缕阳光,平复顾客的情绪。所以在任何时候都不...对应英文:There is saying to stretch hand not to beat the man who laughs. When you face the emotional customers, sometimes a warm greeting a warm smile, is enough to shed a ray of sunshine in the customer's mind, calm the mood of the consumer. So in no time...

。伶牙俐齿笑面人。危险指数××× 原因伸手不打笑面人,身处江湖,八面玲珑的角色往往游刃于诸多门派的势力之间,同时兼认个把身份。。普普通通生意人。危险指数×× 原...对应英文:. Have the gift of the gab laughing. Risk index of * * * reason not to fight hand laughing, in all corners of the country, be all things to all men's roles are often juggling many sects of the forces, and an identity recognition.. Ordinary people in business. * * the risk index...

的确,真诚的笑能温暖人心,又所谓"笑靥如花"、"伸手不打笑面人",笑是对第一次谋面的人的最好礼物。   妆容   如果你顶着厚厚的粉底、浓重的眼影、过于艳丽的腮红去...对应英文:Indeed, the sincere smile can warm the hearts, and the so-called "smile", "reached for not laughing," laughter is the best gift for the first time met people. Makeup if you wore thick foundation, heavy eye shadow, too gorgeous blush to...

另外要学会换位思考,以对方的角度来思考你的行为,。最后,虽说,伸手不打笑面人,但过度的宽容就是放纵,故,适当的张扬你的个性也是必须的。 ...对应英文:In addition to learn empathy, to each other's point of view to think about your behavior,. Finally, though, stretch hand not to beat a man who laughs, but excessive tolerance is the indulgence, therefore, appropriate publicity your personality is a must. ...

你只要自己在工作,对待自己不要吝啬笑。要成为和她一样的人可不好。万一你想成为这样的人就应该比她更假,有句话伸手不打笑面人,多笑笑。对应英文:As long as you own at work, treat themselves do not mean to laugh. To become like her who is not good. If you want to become such a person should be more than she was false, saying to stretch hand not to beat the man who laughs, laugh more.

有点素质的人都会同样的回应你吧你若是不善于主动与同学说话,听听别人聊天,多笑笑总没事吧伸手不打笑面人是很简单的道理。有些时候不是同学排外,而是你觉得没有共同...对应英文:A bit of quality are the same response you if you are not good at active and the students speak and listen to others, chat, laugh more total okay to stretch hand not to beat the laughing man is a very simple reason. Sometimes students are not exclusive, but you feel that there is no common...

伸手不打笑面人!笑不但可以化解很多仇恨和误解.还有就是用真诚的微笑去善待各种各样的人....,你就会发现原来很多事情是可以用笑来解决问题的.而且笑还可以让人健康年...对应英文:Stretch hand not to beat a laughing! Smile not only can resolve a lot of hatred and misunderstanding. There is with a sincere smile to treat various kinds of..., you will find that many things can be used to solve the problem. Laugh and smile can make people healthy years...


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