

贫不择妻对应英文:The poor do not choose a wife

那妻又不是他择的,是人家硬要他娶的,可见,真是"贫不择妻"对应英文:The wife isn't he choose, is people insist he married, visible, is really "poor do not choose a wife"

就是人饿了吃什么都香,人穷了娶媳妇不容易,就不会去考虑过多的条件,能找上就行了。对应英文:Is anybody hungry to eat what is sweet, poor to marry the daughter-in-law is not easy, not to think too much, can get on the line.

很正常的一种处女情结的心理 不过要是一直抱着这种心理的话 对身体也肯定没啥好处 建议楼主碰到好女孩的话 先别管他是不是处女 先在一起一段时间 肯定没错对应英文:A maiden complex is very normal psychological but if it has been holding the words on the body is certainly no good I met good girl then leave him alone Is it right? Virgin first together for a period of time is definitely right

不分远近,岂顾高低。心忙撞倒路行人,脚快有如临阵马。"贫不择妻第二十七回 母夜叉孟州道卖人肉 武都头十字坡遇张青张清昔日剪径时,被一老儿打翻,原来遇到了前辈。...对应英文:Regardless of distance or height, gu. Heart busy down road pedestrian, feet like cold ma. "The poor do not choose a wife twenty-seventh dragon Mengzhou selling human Wudu head cross slope meets Zhang Qing Zhang Qing once was a highwayman, old son knocked over, originally met senior. ...

不可以!穷都这样,何况以后富了呢!远离!对应英文:No! Poor are so, and later from the rich!

饥饿尔顾丆淂挑食 因为太过 寒冷尔顾丆淂挑衣 因为太过荒凉尔顾丆淂挑潞 因为太过贫穷尔顾丆淂挑妻对应英文:Hunger, Gu De picky eaters because too cold, Gu De pick clothes too desolate, Gu De pick Lu because too poor, Gu De pick wife

你说"前女友要和我恢复关系",我想问一下是不是说她就决定和你结婚了,而且她们家肯定不要你家的彩礼呢 如果是,我觉得你可以考虑,毕竟一个女人已经想以实际行...对应英文:You say "ex girlfriend to restore relations" and I, I want to ask Is it right? Said she decided to marry you, and they certainly don't you home betrothal. If it is, I think you can consider, after all a woman has to do...

"示例 饥不择食,寒不择衣,~,贫不择妻。(明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第三回)对应英文:"Example hungry, cold not choose clothes, ~, poor not choose a wife. (Ming Shi Naian "Water Margin" third back)

饥不择食,寒不择衣,慌不择路,贫不择妻对应英文:Hungry, cold not choose clothes, Huangbuzelu, poor not choose a wife

顾不得选择的意思,但细究一下,"慌不择路"更多是用在关于道路方法途径的选择上,"饥不择食"则主要指对人,对事物等的选择。例句醉驾男刮蹭后逃逸,慌不择路,连撞四车致一...对应英文:In spite of the idea of choice, but through careful study, "its" more is used in the on road way choice, "hungry" is mainly refers to people, things and the choice of. The drunk driving male scratch after the escape, Huangbuzelu, hits four cars to a...

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