

站着茅坑不拉屎对应英文:Stood Maokeng not shit

你想问的是"占着茅坑不拉屎"吧。它的意思是占用着资源而不利用,阻碍他人的发展。直白一点的意思是做损人不利己的事情。对应英文:You want to ask is "a dog in the manger to keep". It means to occupy the resources without using, hinder the development of others. Straightforward point is double-edged sword.

就是碍事,挡着别人的了还不走 占着位置不走也不干活对应英文:Is in the way, blocking the others didn't walk takes place no go also don't work

却不使用,就叫,"站着茅坑不拉屎"。其实是调侃啦~你的妈妈她给你一巴掌,其实是让你说话有个礼貌的样子……不要担心。至于礼貌不礼貌,只是一个粗话,尽量不说哦。对应英文:Do not use, called, "stood Maokeng not shit". In fact, some ~ your mother she give you a slap in the face, in fact, is to let you speak with a polite way...... Don't worry. As for polite impolite, but a foul language, try not to say oh.

字面翻译是 类似的谚语翻译是对应英文:Literal translation is a similar proverb States

在英语中有一句近似的谚语 占着茅坑不拉屎的人 出自《伊索寓言》(' ),有一篇狗站马槽的故事,说的是一头狗躺在堆满稻草的马槽里,狗是...对应英文:In English there is a similar proverb a dog in the manger to keep people from "Aesop's Fables" ('), there is a dog stands a story, said a dog lying on the hay manger, dog...

严重鄙视这种行为,应该针对这种情况采取一定的措施,比如大家都准备了,在一定的时间内不开始比赛的话,系统自动把房主踢了.对应英文:Serious contempt for such behavior, should take certain measures in view of this situation, such as you are, in a certain period of time not to start the game, the system automatically to the owner kicked

我认为有这样几个)尸位素餐)雀占鸠巢)狗占马槽供朋友参考对应英文:I think there are several) work) finch of dove nest) a dog in the manger for reference to a friend

不劳而获、饱食终日 尸位素餐指手画脚无能透顶还自以为是当官不为民做主,不如回家种红薯对应英文:Something for nothing, a backseat driver sinecures incompetence also be opinionated officials are not the people call the shots, as home for sweet potato

占着鸡窝不下蛋对应英文:Don't lay eggs for the chicken coop

而它自己呢,也只能看着稻草而不能吃。这就是汉语的"占着茅坑不拉屎"。   《美国韦氏大词典》将其解释为 ...对应英文:And it myself, also can only look at the straw but not eat. This is the Chinese "a dog in the manger to keep". "America Webster's Dictionary" interpreted as...


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