

谁的舌头不磨牙对应英文:Whose tongue is not molar

呵呵,是一种精神紧张状态下形成的思想错觉习惯, 平时含点口香糖,睡觉前平躺随呼吸心里暗示放松二字直至熟睡, 每天坚持,一两星期应该就会好的对应英文:Ha ha, is the formation of a nervous state ideological illusion habit, usually containing a bit of chewing gum, before going to sleep lying down with respiratory heart that relax the two word until asleep, every day, one or two weeks should be good


正常啊,狗狗跟人一样,也会磨牙、做梦。那天看了个视频,那只狗狗还梦游呢,睡着觉四只脚蹬啊蹬的,突然爬起来就跑,还闭着眼睛呢。结果一头撞墙上撞醒了。呵呵。很可爱。...对应英文:Normal ah, dogs like people, will also molar, dreaming. Watch a video that day, the dog was sleepwalking, four foot pedal sleep ah, suddenly got up and ran, closed his eyes. Results a head hit the wall woke up. Ha-ha. Great. ...

磨牙,正常吧,我天天晚上磨牙,咬舌,恶心,昏迷,这可能是病,最好去看看医生。对应英文:Molar, normal, every evening I teeth, bite the tongue, nausea, coma, which may be the disease, to have a look the best doctor.

如果血能止住的话就没事,吃点消炎药。最好的方法就是去口腔科让医生帮你清洗下,上碘甘油。不用紧张的。对应英文:If the blood can stop it's OK, eat anti-inflammatory drugs. The best way is to oral cojean doctor help you clean, on Iodine Glycerol. Don't be nervous.

你好,鉴于你的情况,我感觉跟我以前差不多!都是突然感觉牙齿边缘变的粗糙,有异物感,挺难受的。后来我明白了,是因为上火造成的。我有段时间狂吃辛辣食物…建意你在饮食...对应英文:Hello, given your situation, I feel like I've almost! Are rough suddenly felt teeth edge change, foreign body sensation, very uncomfortable. Then I realized, because fire causes. I have time to eat spicy food... Suggest you in the diet...

不要看那些没用的回答,去医院检查一下吧。没看见的具体的口腔情况是不能准确的治疗的。可能是牙周病来的,牙都松动了吧。溃疡可能是牙源性的创伤,就是有牙尖总刮那,那...对应英文:Don't look at those useless answer, to go to the hospital to check. Did not see the specific situation is not accurate oral treatment. May be the periodontal disease, tooth is loose. The ulcer may be dental trauma, is a cusp total scraping it, that...

长期的磨牙会使牙齿组织广泛损耗,牙齿外形破坏,边缘锐利,常可刺伤唇颊、舌软组织,面下/变面容苍老,影响...咬伤牙床、咬裂牙齿、咬断舌头如果磨牙时间过长的话会减寿的...对应英文:Long term molar can make a tooth tissue loss, destruction of tooth shape, the edge is sharp, often can stab the lip, tongue and soft tissue, face / change old face,... Bite gums, bite, bite the tongue if the molar cracked teeth too much time will be reduced longevity...

应该是磨牙的并发症.. 带防磨牙牙套是个不错的选择.. 我也查了很多资料 因为磨牙有很多原因 比如心理上精...咬伤牙床、咬裂牙齿、咬断舌头 如果磨牙时间过长的话会减寿的...对应英文:Should be.. complications molars with anti molar teeth is a good choice. I also checked a lot of information because there are many reasons such as molar psychological essence... Bite gums, teeth, bite the tongue bite crack if molar too much time shortens life...

看了很多地方都不管用,求助!!对应英文:Looked at a lot of places are not effective, help!!


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