

女人二十一朵花对应英文:Woman twenty-one flower

白羊座的女生有时候也是很文静的,你可是试试百合,个人觉得玫瑰之类的太浓了不适合她们,如果是你要送的话一定要能令她们感到你的心意哈~ 希望对你有帮助对应英文:Aries girl is sometimes very quiet, you can try lily, personally feel that the roses, too thick is not suitable for them, if you want to send word to make them feel your mind ha ~ and I hope to help you

大部门男人生平最热烈地爱的事就是花钱和其它男人分享同一个女人,俗称冶游最怨恨的事是其它男人不花钱就...独一美中不足的是二十一世纪环境粉碎紧张,大天然已不能提供杰...对应英文:Most men's life most ardently love thing is money and other men share the same woman, commonly known as brothels most hate thing is the other man no money... Only a fly in the ointment is the twenty-first Century environmental crushing tight, natural cannot provide kit...

女人花 作曲陈耀川 作词李安修 编曲陈军伍 演唱佳瑶/玫子 备注原唱-梅艳芳 女人花摇曳在红尘中 女人花...堪折直须折 女人如花花似梦 我有花一朵 长在我心中 真情真...对应英文:Women spend composer lyricist Li Anxiu arranger Chen Junwu Chen Yaochuan sang Jia Yao / to note sang Anita Mui woman flower swaying flowers... The woman in the red Kanshe straight must fold as illusory as a dream I have a flower in my heart the truth really long...

三十岁的女人不再相信爱情之花永远开放,只要爱有一床被子温暖着,一双暖暖要看是什么样的女人。岁的农村女人整天劳作,就算再好看的女人也会变的对应英文:The thirty year old woman no longer believe in love flowers always open, as long as the love is a quilt warm, a pair of warm to see what kind of woman. Old rural women working all day, even more beautiful women will become

祝所有的靓女三围魔鬼花 ,收入白领花、家务甩手花,快乐日常花,爱情持久花,情调小资花,购物疯狂花,情人规模花,老公奴隶花.对应英文:I wish all the girls measurements devil flower, flower, flower - income white-collar household hands, happy everyday, love lasting flowers, exotic flowers shopping crazy petty, flower, flower's scale, husband slave flowers

女人到了自己害怕的年龄 所以有所担忧 彼岸花能代表其心境 最美而又最茫然 亦可称 "曼珠莎华"!对应英文:The woman to his fear of age so worried Equinox flower can represent the most beautiful and the most confused mood may also be called "Menchu Sally hua"!

这歌不是香港班底制作的,所以没有做粤语地,梅艳芳自己在香港的演出中不会唱这歌,都是在台湾和大陆唱,所以也不需要粤语地。对应英文:This song is not Hongkong team production, so do not Cantonese, not Anita Mui himself performed in Hongkong in this song, in both Taiwan and mainland to sing, so do not need to Cantonese.

张敏主演的对应英文:Starring Aman Chang

水仙花(清纯,娇嫩)~ 牡丹花(女人一生中最灿烂、艳丽的时刻)~ 野百合(精明,强干)~ 睡莲(待势而发)对应英文:Narcissus (pure, delicate) ~ Peony (woman life the most brilliant, gorgeous moment) ~ wild lily (smart, strong), Lily (to be potential and hair)

牡丹代表华贵,红玫瑰代表热情,康奶馨送妈妈,前女友送风信子代表重生的爱对应英文:Peony represent 2290, the red rose represents passion, Kang Naixin send mother, former girlfriend sent the hyacinth represents the rebirth of love


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