

蛙儿要命蛇要饱对应英文:Frogs, snakes to eat

按时吃饭即使不饿也要吃一点不要吃刺激性的食物如果还是不行的话就借助药物饿没事,只要别痛可以饭前分钟吃一粒吗丁啉增加胃动力这样就不会很饱了对应英文:Even if not hungry to eat do not eat excitant food if or if not medicine to help hungry nothing to eat, as long as you don't hurt before minutes eat a grain of domperidone can increase gastric motility so as not quite full

糖尿病和甲亢是有根据的多一少症.吃多。喝多.尿多.消瘦才为糖尿病 你去照个胃镜看看 是不是慢性胃炎 少吃腥辣的东西噢对应英文:Diabetes and hyperthyroidism is based more and less disease. Eat more. Drink urine. Weight loss for diabetes. You go to have a look take a gastroscope Is it right? Chronic gastritis eat fishy spicy stuff oh

双手搓热,用掌心轻揉肚脐周围,这样可以增加肠道蠕动,促进消化,大人要有耐心坚持饮食以容易消化为主,过一阵自然会好。对应英文:Both hands rub heat, with the palm gently around the navel, this can increase the intestinal peristalsis, promote digestion, adults must have the patience to adhere to a diet to easy to digest, a naturally good.

蛇要肚饱,不知青蛙要命。 蛇走了才拿棍,贼走了才关门。 蛇必乱咬,虎定乱伤。 蛇穴最滑,奸口最猾。 蝴怕扁.人怕短。 蛇口最毒.贼手最酷。 蛇爬无声,奸计无影。 蛇咬蛇...对应英文:A snake belly, I do not know the frog. The snake went to take stick, the thief go close. The snake will bite, tiger fixed disorderly wound. The snake pit the slide, the sly crafty mouth. The butterfly is afraid of flat. People are afraid of short. Shekou's poison. The thief's cool. The snake silent, trickery. Snake snake...

饿得要命可以说前腔贴后背、前胸贴后背、前心贴后背,但吃不饱就不适合这样表达。我觉得"心里直发慌"挺合适的。对应英文:Hunger can be said that the first cavity are affixed to the back, chest paste back, before the heart affixed to the back, but without enough to eat is not suitable for this expression. I think "heart straight to tears" very appropriate.

假装吃饱了,其时饿的要命。解决方法不吃饱哪来的劲 减肥 没胃口解决方法推荐 江中牌康胃消化片)心情不好,(决大多数是被情所困)解决方法拿得起放的下的才...对应英文:Pretend to eat, when hungry. Do not eat any solution to the strength to lose weight loss of appetite, the recommended solution River brand Kang stomach tablets) in bad mood, (the majority is lovesick) solution to hold something up and put it down to...

似乎能跑 公里吧 刚开始实在是顶不住啊 因为第二天起来真的腿疼得要命 但是一星期坚持下来就可以了!哈哈哈哈哈哈 个人新发现 还有 跑步的时候跑出汗了就要走走 这样...对应英文:Seems to run km it started really can not stand, because the second day really leg pain but a week insisted it! Ha ha ha ha ha ha personal discovery and running time run sweat to walk like this...

处理精神状态,详细解释病人的胸口疼痛与心脏无关。高德谦称,通常说到这里,病人已安心许多。「还要耐心地跟他们谈,引导他们怎样容易地应付压力。严重时需要找精神科医...对应英文:Treatment of mental state, chest pain and heart to explain in detail the patient independent. Gao Deqian said, usually here, many patients have been at ease. "But patiently to talk with them, guide them in how to easily cope with stress. Serious need for psychiatric medicine...

你买的干电池也可能是非正品..不管是原装电池还是其它品牌镍氢电池(先需确定是正品)都要有好的充电器,良好的使用习惯,正确的充电方法.好的充电器具体指采用智能单片...对应英文:You buy a dry battery can also be non genuine. Whether the original battery or other brands of Ni MH battery (first need to determine is genuine) to have a good charger, good habits, charging method correct. Good charger specifically refers to the intelligent chip...

痛经患者在月经来潮前-天内饮食宜以清淡易消化为主。应进食易于消化吸收的食物,不宜吃得过饱,尤其应避免进食生冷之食品,因生冷食品能刺激子宫、输卵管收缩,从而诱发...对应英文:Patients with dysmenorrhea catering mainly to light Yixiaohua - days before menstruation. Should eat easy to digest food, unfavorable eat too full, especially should avoid eating raw food, for the food of raw or cold food can stimulate the uterus, fallopian tube contraction, thus inducing...


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