

软刀子割头不觉死对应英文:The soft cut head don't feel dead

太白旗就是当年挂着纣王首级的旗子 就是说 平时的恶劣行为你完全无视,等到严重后果来临的时候你才觉得要完蛋了对应英文:Too white flag was hung the flag is usually the king's bad behavior you completely ignored, when serious consequences come before you think going to die

使人不知不觉的受到伤害的手段叫"软刀子"鲁迅曾说过"倘使我们觉得有害,我们便能警戒了,正因为并不觉得怎样有害,我们这才总是觉不出这致死的毛病来。因为这是'软刀子...对应英文:Make people imperceptibly hurt method called "soft" Lu Xun once said, "if we feel bad, we can alert, because not feel how harmful, we always feel not this fatal fault. Because this is the 'soft...

木皮道人说得好,"几年家软刀子割头不觉死",我就要专指斥那些自称"无枪阶级"而其实是拿着软刀子的妖魔。即如上面所引的君子之徒的话,也就是一把软刀子。假如遭了笔祸了...对应英文:Veneer that says, "a few years home soft knife cutting head don't feel dead", I need to denounce those claiming to be "gun free class" it is with the soft demon. If the above cited by the acts of the words, it is a defence. If you were a curse...

单身对女人的杀伤力是最强烈的,它是一把软刀子,不知不觉地就改变了一个女人的性格、性情甚至是血性。   单身无非分两种情形,一种是暂时的单身状态,活在这一状态里的...对应英文:Single women lethality is strongest, it is a soft, imperceptibly to change a woman's personality, temperament and even bloody. Single only in two cases, a temporary single, live in this state...

谁在年轻的时候都只想离开父母,走得越远越好,不知不觉就走出很远,跟他们隔着千山万水。有一天你猛一回头,...我算知道软刀子怎么杀人了。 爱情篇 、小样你个大傻帽,...对应英文:Who when he is young, just want to leave their parents, the farther the better, imperceptibly out far across the numerous hills and streams, with them. One day you take a look back,... I know how to kill the defence. Love, the sample you big silly,...

不成器 不出息 不打眼不大离 不倒翁 不二价 不服气 不服软 不公道 不够格 不开眼 不老实 不乐观 不留神 不...认死理 肉中刺 孺子牛入头清 软刀子 软骨头 散摊子 扫帚星 ...对应英文:Good-for-nothing not promise not drill is from the tumbler's not convinced against soft unfair unqualified not eyes not honest not optimistic not careful not... Rensili into a thorn in one's flesh ox head clear soft soft bones booth jinx...

红颜不是祸水,祸水都是贪色男人们弄出来的。战争年代的"美人计",和平时期的"软刀子"。平民百姓对此放松警惕,大不了毁掉身家性命而已若肉食者纷纷沉溺于美色,轻则自己...对应英文:Confidante not such, such are the lusty men out. The war of the "honey trap", in times of peace "soft". Ordinary people to relax vigilance, not destroy man's life and family possessions. If the carnivorous have indulged in the beauty, light is yourself...

与其它因素不同,污染对物种的影响是微妙的、积累的、慢性的致生物于死地的"软刀子",危害程度与生境丧失不相上下。对应英文:Different from other factors, the influence of pollution on species is subtle, accumulation, chronic biological in the death of the "soft", damage degree and habitat loss, be roughly the same.

正是鲁迅对封建宗法制度、封建礼教等压迫妇女的软刀子的无情鞭挞和血泪控诉。. 权威的蒙蔽当女性轻信权...让她不知不觉地陷入理屈词穷、丧失主见的境地,从而使泼辣的爱...对应英文:Lu Xun is soft on the feudal patriarchal clan system, the feudal ethics and the oppression of women's ruthless whips and accusation. The authority of the blind. When women believe right... Let her imperceptibly into any loss, assertive position, so that the forceful love...

软刀子杀人不见血。 软刀子的定义(现代汉语词典,商务印书馆,年,北京)比喻使人在不知不觉中受到折磨或腐蚀的手段。对应英文:The soft kill without spilling blood. The soft defined (Modern Chinese dictionary, the Commercial Press, years, Beijing) compared to torture or corrosion means imperceptibly.


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