

礼多人见外对应英文:Many people see

礼多人不怪对应英文:Courtesy costs nothing

蛇对应英文:The snake

狗狗是不是 它不是见人就点头哈腰的吗对应英文:The dog Is it right? It not bow and scrape on sight

应是蛇蛇五行已属火 五常火属礼故揖礼----同音-----已礼 这理由充分吧对应英文:Should be the snake five already belongs to fire the fire to Li Yi Li, homophone, has the gift it fully

朋友不希望见外。跟别人可以很礼貌,但是既然是朋友,朋友不希望你见外,就不要说麻烦了或者谢谢之类的话,因人而异嘛。对应英文:Friends do not want to see. With others can be very polite, but since we are friends, friends do not want you to see, don't trouble or thank the words like, differ from man to man.

时调官不赴,以师礼见颢颍昌,相得甚欢.其归也,颢目送之曰"吾道南矣.〃 四年而颢死,时闻之,设位哭寝门,而以书赴告程颢同学者.至是,又见程颢于洛,时盖年四十矣. 一日...对应英文:Its officer not to see, to teacher Li Hao Ying Chang, harmonious. Its also return, Hao said. "We watched the road." four years and Hao died, when the smell of the bedroom door, with a cry, and the book to tell Cheng Hao students. To be, see Chenghao Hulot, when cover forty years passed away. One day...

转弯歇后语---扒了皮的癞蛤蟆 扒了皮的癞蛤蟆--.活着讨厌,死的还吓人。.蹦达不了多会儿(或几天)。 脑筋急转弯歇后语---芭蕉叶上垒鸟窝 芭蕉叶上垒鸟窝--好景不长...对应英文:Turn - off Xiehouyu toad grilled skin skin toad. Alive hate, death is scary. Don't struggle. When (or days). Brain teasers Xiehouyu, banana leaf Shanglei banana leaf Shanglei nest nest -- good times don't last long...

只要是与人交往,不要只图一时一刻的热情似火,如果这个人很容易遇到一些好的事情就高兴的话,那么他也必定遇到不好的事情就要发怒、生气,只有对人尊敬,谦虚有礼,才不会...对应英文:As long as it is with people, not just the one fifteen enthusiasm, if this person is very easy to meet some good things happy words, then he will meet bad things get angry, angry, only the people respect, courtesy, not...

是兔子吧! 兔子吃东西时很像在作揖, 而且只要喂给它吃的东西, 多少它都不嫌饱的!对应英文:The rabbit! Rabbit eat like in the bow, and as long as the fed it to eat, how much of it is not too full!

您好! 正确答案 "兔子" 谢谢采纳 !对应英文:Hello! The correct answer "rabbit" thanks to adopt!


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