

怒从心上起对应英文:Anger from the heart on
  怒从心上起   拼音:    解释: 愤怒从心底而起。比喻愤怒到极点就会胆大得什么事都干得出来。   

也泛指恼怒到极点。 出处 《五代史平话》"朱温未听得万事俱休,才听得后,怒从心上起,恶向胆边生。"对应英文:It also refers to the pole. From "the Five Dynasties" "Zhu Wen did not hear all is over, just listen, anger from the heart, evil to bravery edge. "

"睁开眉下眼,咬碎口中牙"见《警世通言》第三十七卷《万秀娘仇报山亭儿》。对应英文:"Open your eyebrow eye, mouth teeth bite" see "warn men" volume thirty-seventh "million Xiuniang revenge Shanting son".

恶向胆边生对应英文:Evil to bravery edge

象霹雳一样的盛怒。形容愤怒到了极点。恼羞变怒 见"恼羞成怒"。怒从心上起,恶向胆边生 比喻愤怒到极点就会胆大得什么事都干得出来。也泛指恼怒到极点。怒火冲天形容愤...对应英文:Like a bolt of lightning. Describe the anger to the extreme. Naoxiubiannu see "become shame". Anger from the heart, evil to bravery edge metaphor anger to pole will be bold to what things. It also refers to the pole. Describe a surge of great fury...

象霹雳一样的盛怒。形容愤怒到了极点。 恼羞变怒 见"恼羞成怒"。 怒从心上起,恶向胆边生 比喻愤怒到极点就会胆大得什么事都干得出来。也泛指恼怒到极点。怒火冲天形容...对应英文:Like a bolt of lightning. Describe the anger to the extreme. Naoxiubiannu see "become shame". Anger from the heart, evil to bravery edge metaphor anger to pole will be bold to what things. It also refers to the pole. Describe a surge of great fury...

喜怒不形于色 喜怒无常 怒从心上起,恶向胆边生 怒从心头起,恶向胆边生 勃然大怒 藏怒宿怨 冲冠发怒 冲冠怒发 春笋怒发 东怒西怨 东怨西怒 发怒冲冠 发怒穿冠 敢怒而不...对应英文:Keep the countenance be subject to changing moods anger from the heart, evil to bravery edge anger from the heart, evil to bravery edge fly Cangnusuyuan Chongguanfanu Chongguannufa emerge in an endless stream Dongnuxiyuan Dongyuanxinu Fanuchongguan Fanuchuanguan dare anger not...

也泛指恼怒到极点。 出处 《五代史平话》"朱温未听得万事俱休,才听得后,怒从心上起,恶向胆边生。"对应英文:It also refers to the pole. From "the Five Dynasties" "Zhu Wen did not hear all is over, just listen, anger from the heart, evil to bravery edge. "

惊风怒涛 惊涛怒浪 鲸波怒浪 狂风怒号 老羞成怒 雷嗔电怒 雷霆之怒 恼羞变怒 恼羞成怒 怒不可遏 怒从心上起,恶向胆边生 怒从心头起,恶向胆边生 怒发冲冠 怒火冲天 怒...对应英文:Jingfengnutao Jingtaonulang whale wave wave anger A violent wind is howling. turn shame into anger to Purist Thunderwrath Naoxiubiannu become shame furious anger from the heart, evil to bravery edge anger from the heart, evil to bravery edge surge of great fury anger be up his hat...

怒火中烧 怒不可遏 怒从心头起,恶向胆边生 怒发冲冠 怒目而视 怒目横眉 怒目切齿 怒猊渴骥 怒从心上起,恶向胆边生 怒气冲冲 怒气冲天 怒气填胸 恼羞变怒 恼羞成怒 怒...对应英文:Burst into anger anger anger from the heart, evil to bravery edge be up his hat look at with angry eyes glaring eyes gnash the teeth with angry looks forceful and vigorous anger from the heart, evil to bravery edge be ablaze with anger One's wrath filled the sky. be filled with righteous indignation Naoxiubiannu become shame anger...

怒不可遏 遏止。愤怒地难以抑制。形容十分愤怒。 怒从心上起,恶向胆边生 比喻愤怒到极点就会胆大得什么事都干得出来。也泛指恼怒到极点。 怒从心头起,恶向胆边生 比...对应英文:Anger suppression. It is difficult to suppress anger. Describe very angry. Anger from the heart, evil to bravery edge metaphor anger to pole will be bold to what things. It also refers to the pole. Anger from the heart, evil to bravery edge ratio...


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