

痴情女子绝情汉对应英文:Spoony woman unfeeling Han

两种结果 绝情女子被你感动是好的结果 也许你会遍体鳞伤对应英文:Two results were moved by you is good results you might be covered all over with cuts and bruises unfeeling woman

别怕伤痛找一个最爱的深爱的想爱的亲爱的人来告别单身一个多情的痴情的绝情的无情的人来给我伤痕孤单的人那么多快乐的没有几个不要爱过了错过了留下了单身的我独自唱...对应英文:Ruthless people dear people don't be afraid of the pain to find a love love love to bid farewell to the single a sentimental infatuation unfeeling to cut me alone so many happy few don't love miss a single me to sing...

痴情女子不占少数 深情往往是女人对爱情专一所得到世人夸赞的词汇之一 绝情是在深情背后受到伤害所致 无情的源来于看淡世间谈情说爱 你浓我浓的"虚伪"感情 ...对应英文:Spoony woman not love is often the minority women to love the world praised one of the words is in deep behind the unfeeling hurt caused by the relentless source for bearish worldly be concerned with love and romance you thick I concentrated "hypocrisy" feelings...

既然是痴情男人,就一定不会轻言放弃,即使遇到了绝情女子,我想他还是会甚至会更加痴情于这个女子的,应为他相信,通过他的不懈努力,她会为他的精神所心动的!所以坚持就是...对应英文:Since it is a spoony man, will not give up easily, even in the face of the unfeeling woman, I think he will be even more infatuated with the woman, because he believed that, through his tireless efforts, she would have Heartbeat as his spirit! So insisted that...

旧时庭阁在,不见堂前燕。 人生自是有情痴,恨无关,清风明月。天上人间,共婵娟一片。 当他转身离开的刹那,你...皓雪落 黄河浊 任由他绝情心伤 如果可以选择 我宁愿和你一起...对应英文:The old court in, does not see the front yan. Life is based on affection, not hate, life. Immeasurably vast difference, heart a. When he turned to leave the moment, you... Hao the Yellow River in snow turbidity at his unfeeling heart if I can choose I would rather join you...

晚上好~ 我的推荐如下 .死生契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。   .衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。   .曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。   .相见争如不见,...对应英文:Good evening, my recommendation is as follows. Life and death deed wide, and the child into that. Hold your hand and grow old together with you. Becoming loose are my clothes yet I regret not, for her I languish and suffer willingly. Have sailed the seven seas. Hard water, except Wushan not cloud. Meet the struggle like not to see,...

究竟是谁在欺骗谁 究竟是谁在为谁伤悲 虚伪的男人多情的女子 永远都有流不完的泪 你为什么要流泪 你为什么要伤悲 为什么不见有人把你安慰 看见你在流泪 看见你在伤悲...对应英文:Who is deceiving anyone who is sad for whom the false man sentimental woman always have a never-ending stream of tears, why do you cry why are you sad why no one to comfort you see you in tears to see you in sorrow...

痴情不是一定的,绝情不是绝对的、对应英文:Love is not certain, unfeeling not absolute,

我见过最痴情的男子,也见过最无情的女子。有趣的是,当一个男子痴情时,世道却可能给他负面的评价男人事业为重、有钱还怕没女人、这男人是找不到女人了所以死缠着吧.....对应英文:I have seen the most infatuated man, woman, have seen the most ruthless. Interestingly, when a man love, the world is likely to give him a negative evaluation of the cause for the heavy, rich man is not the woman, the man can not find the woman so stuck....

四漫唱采茶觉已迟,犹怜深信未相欺。世间多少痴情女,伤尽男儿不自知。 岳灵珊喜欢唱采茶歌,最后仍然相信...花如雨,绝情谷,情花。 七万骑却回千骑分,将军无计御香尘。...对应英文:The four man sing tea sleep late, still pity that no phase. The world how many spoony woman, hurt as much as men do not know. Yue Lingshan likes to sing about the song, finally still believe... Flowers such as rain, unfeeling Valley, flower. Seventy thousand ride but back a thousand points, the general no meter Yuxiang dust. ...


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