

成人不自在对应英文:Adult uncomfortable

出自(宋)罗大经《鹤林玉露引·朱熹小简》 "成人不自在,自在不成人。"古今中外,哪一个成才之人,不"头悬梁、锥刺股"又有哪一个逍遥自在的公子哥儿,能成为真正的人才...对应英文:From (song) Luo Dajing "He Lin Helin Yulu cited Zhu Xi Jane" small "adult uncomfortable, comfortable not adult. "At all times and in all countries, what a talent person, not" the first cantilever, cone Cigu "and what a be leisurely and carefree of a playboy, can become a real talent...

出自(宋)罗大经《鹤林玉露引·朱熹小简》 "成人不自在,自在不成人。" 古今中外,哪一个成才之人,不"头悬梁、锥刺股" 又有哪一个逍遥自在的公子哥儿,能成为真正的人才...对应英文:From (song) Luo Dajing "He Lin Helin Yulu cited Zhu Xi Jane" small "adult uncomfortable, comfortable not adult. "At all times and in all countries, what a talent person, not" the first cantilever, cone Cigu "and what a be leisurely and carefree of a playboy, can become a real talent...

成人不自在,自在不成人。 意思是人要有所成就,必须刻苦努力,不可放任自流。 出自(宋)罗大经《鹤林玉露引·朱熹小简》对应英文:Men must choose between progress and comfort. It is to be successful, we must work hard, do not follow one's own inclination. From (song) Luo Dajing "He Lin Helin Yulu cited Zhu Xi little Jane"

成人不自在,自在不成人对应英文:Men must choose between progress and comfort

有压岁钱呢,大人呢,你没有钱的话,你就得发愁,过年你得花好多的钱…… 想想是不是 当然不仅仅只这个方面对应英文:Have a gift money, sir, you have no money, you have to worry about, have the Spring Festival you have to spend a lot of money...... Think of Is it right? Of course not only the

宋·罗大经《鹤林玉露》第九卷"谚云'成人不自在,自在不成人。对应英文:Song · Luo Dajing "He Lin Helin Yulu" volume ninth "as the saying goes' adult uncomfortable, comfortable not adult.

自在不成人对应英文:Comfortable not adult

成人不自在,自在不成人 【解释】只有历经坎坷、经受磨炼的人才能成为真有本事的人,而贪图安逸,一帆风顺的人不可能成为有本事的人。 【出自】宋·罗大经《鹤林玉露》...对应英文:Adult uncomfortable, comfortable not adult [explain] only through difficult, through the mill man can really become a person of ability, and comfort, Everything is going smoothly. person is not likely to be a good man. [from] song · Luo Dajing "He Lin Helin Yulu"...

期盼成人 ,可是成人之后就知道它的不好,原本很矛盾,但人就是这样。成人之后,有很多自己不愿或是不敢去面对...当然是不自在的幻想自在的人对是对自己、对家人不负责任的...对应英文:For adult, but adult after he know it's bad, originally very contradictory, but this is the people. Adult, many of his unwilling or dare not to face the... Of course is not free fantasy free man is on his own, on irresponsible of the family...

人的成长是不会一帆风顺的,必须是一个"不自在"的过程,如果太安逸了--"自在"就不会成人 、人总会长大,人的成长过程会丢掉我们的天性。成年人是不会再天真无邪的,既不...对应英文:Human growth is not Everything is going smoothly., must be a "uncomfortable" process, if too comfortable, "free" would not be adult, people will grow up, the growth process will lose our nature. Adults are not innocent, neither...


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