

命苦不能怨父母对应英文:One can not blame the parents

要是自己努力的话没有不可能的,要知道女羊命苦难道会有天生残疾人的命苦吗,但是楼主看看,现在依然有部分残疾人过得很好啊!所以还是看自己啊!对应英文:If you work hard enough not impossible, to know a female sheep with what fate was born disabled, but you have a look, there are still some disabled people had a very good ah! So I see myself!

陆军元帅波莱希切对应英文:Field marshal Bo Leahy Che

难道你没有老人这是什么话啊,没有她的老人怎么能有她没她你和谁结婚百事孝为先,这才叫男人!!!否则会遭报应~~~对应英文:Aren't you the old man this is what ah, without her man how could she didn't she whom you marry Pepsi filial piety, this is the man!!! They are punished

命是自己开创的,命苦,家境不好、父母不好、社会太烂什么的都不是借口。 送你两句话 ()世界上没有孬牌,只有不会玩牌的人。 ()有勇气来改变可以改变的事情,有胸怀接...对应英文:Life is to create their own, life, family is not good, not good at what parents, society is not an excuse. Send you two words (not good) brand of the world, not only to cardplayer. () have the courage to change the things I can, have the mind...

你这叫命苦就你这句话,我就觉得你从小都是被宠着长大的。 不要受点委屈就觉得天要塌了,觉得命苦想想灾区的孩子。 那家父母不是望子成龙的对应英文:You call this with you this sentence, I think you are in love from childhood grew up. Don't be aggrieved by the point that the sky is falling, feel bitter about the disaster area children. The parents are not competitive

命苦不要怨父母,点背不要怨社会。 好好学习先,将来用知识改变命运,好好孝敬父母,知道不对应英文:Life not to blame parents, back not to blame society. Study hard first, with the knowledge to change the fate of the future, take your parents, don't know

对于国内的各种各样的事故、灾难,各级政府无不挖空心思推卸责任,所以我们一有天灾就是几百年甚至上千年一遇!命苦不怪父母,地震不怨政府!对应英文:For a variety of domestic accident, disaster, the government at all levels are rack one's brains to shirk responsibility, so we have a natural disasters is hundreds or even thousands of years! Here do not blame the parents, the earthquake did not blame the government!

命苦不能怪父母,运背不能怪社会!自己无能的人才会天天抱怨别人不对,社会不公。你应该拿出自己的本事来,让事实证明你是对的,而不是怪别人!!!!对应英文:One can not blame the parents, shipped back not to blame society! You wimps will complain others, social injustice. You should come up with their own ability to, let the fact that you are right, but not the blame on others!!!!

不要经不起挫折,就叫命苦! 那在电视上报道的,一个小男孩父母离异,没有人管,只有一个爷爷,在小孩-岁的时候,爷爷也瘫掉了,小男孩白天要卖报纸,到了吃饭时间还要回家...对应英文:Don't give in frustration, called fate! The reports on TV, a little boy's parents divorced, no one tube, only a grandpa, when children - year old, grandpa also paralyzed, the little boy during the day to sell newspapers, but also home to dinner time...

在家不能靠父母,命苦不能怨政府!对应英文:Depend on parents at home can not, one can not blame the government!


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