

笔杆杀人胜枪杆对应英文:A gun kill wins

ā旗杆 双杆ǎ笔杆 腰杆、枪杆处ǔ处理 处方 处置ù 处长 到处对应英文:The double rod ǎ pen back on the stage, where treatment prescription management ù, everywhere

这就好比刘备和曹操,刘备做事情每每都要与曹操相反。两党的地位,起点从一开始就不同,这代表他们如果需要寻求发展,就必须使用不同的路线,就如同一个方阵,团结一切可以...对应英文:This is like Liu Bei and Cao Cao, Liu Bei often to do things with Cao Cao instead. The two parties position, the starting point is different from the beginning, the representative if they need to seek development, we must use a different route, as a matrix, unite with all that can be...

旗杆ā 笔杆儿ǎ 枪杆子ǎ 秤杆ǎ 竹竿ā 钓竿 百尺竿头 秸秆ǎ 飘扬ā 骠勇à 剽悍ā 婆娑对应英文:The flagpole ā pen son ǎ gun ǎ Weighbeam ǎ bamboo rod make still further progress on straw ǎ flying. Piao Yong and whirling

笔杆就如枪杆!那么在这个血雨腥风的战场如果我没有枪的话!那么我肯定没敌人俘虏!出于本人对生命的绝对尊重和认可!所以我肯定为了生存将组织出卖!那么后果就是将来后人...对应英文:The pen as the gun! Then in this bloody battle if I didn't have a gun! Then I must not captured by the enemy! For me to respect life and recognition! So I'm sure to survive will be organized to sell! Then the consequence is the future generations...

拿起我们的枪杆笔杆,举起我们的锄头斧头,打倒这群强盗,争取我们的自由。看,光明已在向我们招手! 三.燕子 燕子啊,你来自北方,燕子啊,你来自北方,你知道哪一些村庄遭了苦...对应英文:We picked up the gun holder, lift our hoes, axes, down the robbers, fight for our freedom. Look, the light is waving to us! Three. Swallow swallow ah, you from the north, the swallow ah, you from the north, do you know where some villages was the suffering...

例如"笔杆"、"枪杆"中的"杆"读ǎ 。  "杆"读ā 时,指细长的棍状物。  例如"旗杆"、"桅杆"、"栏杆"、"电线杆" 中的"杆"读ā。  、"竿"...对应英文:For example, "pen", "gun" in the "rod" read ǎ. "Rod" read ā, finger stick like elongated. For example, "flag", "mast", "Rail", "pole" in the "bar" to read. , "rod"...

旗杆 电线杆 栏杆 、 ɡǎ 枪杆 笔杆 一杆枪 个 、 ɡě 自个儿 、 ɡè 个体 个人 给 、 ɡě 送给 赠给 、 ǐ 补给 给养 给予 自给自足 骨 、 ɡū 骨朵 骨...对应英文:Flag pole railing, and ǎ gun pen a gun, and ě myself, and è individual, and to give to supply supplies ì Ji é, to provide for oneself, and reports the tiger bone bone...

例如"笔杆"、"枪杆"中的"杆"读ǎ 。   "杆"读ā 时,指细长的棍状物。   例如"旗杆"、"桅杆"、"栏杆"、"电线杆" 中的"杆"读ā。 、"秆"   "秆"指麦...对应英文:For example, "pen", "gun" in the "rod" read ǎ. "Rod" read ā, finger stick like elongated. For example, "flag", "mast", "Rail", "pole" in the "bar" to read. "Straw", "straw" refers to wheat...

如"笔杆"、"枪杆"。 量词。计算细长物的单位。如"两杆枪"、"一杆秤"对应英文:Such as "pen", "gun". Classifier. Calculation of fine growths unit. Such as "two gun", "a steelyard"

其实颜真卿不光是耍笔杆子,玩枪杆子他也很在行。而且,他的生命就终结在烽烟之中,死得轰轰烈烈。颜真卿当然是与笔墨为伍的文士,但他视刀光剑影为无物,出入十万敌军如...对应英文:In fact, Yan Zhenqing is not writing, he was also very good play gun. Moreover, his life will end in smoke, with vigour and vitality. Of course Yan Zhenqing is associate with ink scribes, but he saw the glint and flash of cold steel as nothing, and as the one hundred thousand enemy...


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