

鸡烂嘴巴硬对应英文:Chicken rotten mouth hard
  鸡烂嘴巴硬   拼音: jī làn zuǐ bā yìng 简拼: jlzy   近义词:  反义词:    用法:     解释: 比喻自知理亏,还要强辩。   出处:    例子:    谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   鸡烂嘴巴硬      




就是嘴硬,死不认账.. 还有种说法是煮熟的鸭子,嘴硬.. 字面就是这些动物烂掉了嘴也硬的..形容人坚持一种说法不肯改口(主要是指明明错了也不改口的情况)对应英文:Is stubborn, death and debt.. there is cooked ducks, stubborn.. literally these animal rotten mouth hard.. people insist on a statement did not change (mainly refers to clearly wrong is not changed situation)

应为"鸡鸣狗盗",以为偷偷摸摸 投机取巧,不仅没占到便宜,反而吃亏了 形容一片狼藉,乱糟糟 不知对应英文:Should be "small tricks", think in a sneaky way do things by irregular ways, not only did not account for cheap, but suffer a messy, messy do not know

巴前算后 巴三览四 巴山蜀水 巴山夜雨 巴头探脑 东野巴人 鸡烂嘴巴硬 结结巴巴 老实巴交 前不巴村,后不巴店 妄口巴舌 乌焦巴弓 下里巴人 一个巴掌拍不响成语查询结果...对应英文:Baqiansuanhou talk nonsense Szechwan hope of reunion among friends peep furtively from behind Dongyebaren chicken rotten mouth hard honest not hesitating in speaking before the village, do not talk nonsense, shop Wujiaobagong popular literature or art you cannot clap with one hand. The query results...

巴山蜀水 巴山夜雨 巴头探脑 东野巴人 鸡烂嘴巴硬 结结巴巴 老实巴交 前不巴村,后不巴店 妄口巴舌 乌焦巴弓 下里巴人 一个巴掌拍不响 成语查询结果 成语词目 释义 出...对应英文:Hope of reunion among friends Szechwan peep furtively from behind Dongyebaren chicken rotten mouth hard honest not hesitating in speaking before the village, do not talk nonsense, shop Wujiaobagong popular literature or art a hand claps not ringing idiom idiom interpretation out of query results...

金鸡独立 嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗 金鸡消息 家鸡野鹜 家鸡野雉 嫁鸡逐鸡 鸡口牛后 鸡零狗碎 见卵求鸡 鸡烂嘴巴硬 鸡鸣而起 鸡鸣狗盗 鸡鸣狗吠 鸡鸣馌耕 鸡鸣候旦 鸡鸣戒旦...对应英文:Stand on one leg. Jinjixiaoxi was, Jiajiyewu Jiajiyezhi Jiajizhuji Jikouniuhou bits and pieces see eggs for chicken chicken rotten mouth hard rise at cockcrow Jiminggoudao dog cock Jimingyegeng Jiminghoudan Jimingjiedan...

比喻宁在局面小的地方自主,不愿在局面大的地方听人支配。 鸡烂嘴巴硬 比喻自知理亏,还要强辩。 鸡零狗碎 形容事物零碎细小。 鸡毛蒜皮 比喻无关紧要的琐碎事情。 鸡鸣...对应英文:In our analogy rather small local autonomy, not in the situation of large place to listen to the domination. Chicken rotten mouth hard metaphor knew that wrong, also contentious. Describe things piecemeal small bits and pieces. Be of no great importance of trivial things trifles metaphor. The cock...

打牙配嘴 多嘴多舌 钉嘴铁舌 多嘴献浅 狗嘴里吐不出象牙 乖嘴蜜舌 箭穿雁嘴 鸡烂嘴巴硬 尖嘴薄舌 尖嘴猴腮 强嘴拗舌 强嘴硬牙 磕牙料嘴 嗑牙料嘴 课嘴撩牙 驴唇不对马...对应英文:Dayapeizui gossipy and meddlesome nail mouth iron tongue Duozuixianqian a filthy mouth cannot utter decent language Guaizuimishe Jianchuanyanzui chicken rotten mouth hard have a caustic and flippant tongue monkey like to Qiangzuiyingya Keyaliaozui Keyaliaozui Kezuiliaoya donkey lip wrong the horse...

打牙犯嘴 打牙配嘴 多嘴多舌 钉嘴铁舌 多嘴献浅 狗嘴里吐不出象牙 乖嘴蜜舌 箭穿雁嘴 鸡烂嘴巴硬 尖嘴薄舌 尖嘴猴腮 强嘴拗舌 强嘴硬牙 磕牙料嘴 嗑牙料嘴 课嘴撩牙 ...对应英文:Dayafanzui Dayapeizui gossipy and meddlesome nail mouth iron tongue Duozuixianqian a filthy mouth cannot utter decent language Guaizuimishe Jianchuanyanzui chicken rotten mouth hard have a caustic and flippant tongue monkey like to Qiangzuiyingya Keyaliaozui Keyaliaozui Kezuiliaoya...

点头咂嘴 打牙犯嘴 打牙配嘴 多嘴多舌 钉嘴铁舌 多嘴献浅 狗嘴里吐不出象牙 乖嘴蜜舌 箭穿雁嘴 鸡烂嘴巴硬 尖嘴薄舌 尖嘴猴腮 强嘴拗舌 强嘴硬牙 磕牙料嘴 嗑牙料嘴 ...对应英文:Diantouzazui Dayafanzui Dayapeizui gossipy and meddlesome nail mouth iron tongue Duozuixianqian a filthy mouth cannot utter decent language Guaizuimishe Jianchuanyanzui chicken rotten mouth hard have a caustic and flippant tongue monkey like to Qiangzuiyingya Keyaliaozui Keyaliaozui...

猴子进了口袋。比喻行动失去约束。 换汤不换药 比喻名称或形式虽然改变了,内容还是老一套。 鸡烂嘴巴硬 比喻自知理亏,还要强辩。 疾风扫秋叶 比喻力量强大、行动迅速...对应英文:The monkey into his pocket. Parable action without restraint. A superficial reform analogy name or form has changed, the content or the old. Chicken rotten mouth hard metaphor knew that wrong, also contentious. Blast sweep autumn leaves metaphor powerful, rapid action...


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