

吃不了兜着走成对应英文:To get more than one bargained for

粤语里面是没有这个词汇的,按字面上翻译,其实差不多。 按意思翻译的话,有好几种说法,意思都差不多。 毕如无咁大个头就无戴咁大顶帽。 自不量力、称吓你自已有几多斤...对应英文:Cantonese inside is not the word, literally translated, in fact almost. According to the meaning of words, there are several sayings, meaning almost. Bi like not too big without wearing so large cap. Beyond one's ability, called scare yourself how many pounds...

内容自然是越生动越好玩,这里列举两个 谁敢,谁就得吃不了兜着走。 ' . 【用表示后果的严重性~】 你敢!我握有你的小辫子...对应英文:Content is naturally more vivid more fun, here is a list of two who dare, who would get more than one bargained for. '. [expressed serious consequences ~] dare you! I have something on you...

而不要养成挥霍浪费的作风,其内容是 吃不了请兜着走。这句话是由俗语"吃不了兜着走"补充而成,俗语的原意是"够呛"、 "吃不消",而这里用直解义取代俗语的原义,真可谓妙...对应英文:But don't get into the spendthrift style, its content is not please eat Dou to walk. This sentence is saying "get more than one bargained for" added together, it means "good", "do not eat", but here the original meaning straight when substituted proverb, it is wonderful...

吃不了兜着走 ( ī ù ǎ ō ǒ )   〖解 释〗 比喻受不了或担当不起.   〖用 法〗 复句...客人说"我吃不了啊!"他说"吃了不,兜着走嘛!"结果,人们都被...对应英文:Get more than one bargained for (ī ù ǎ ō ǒ) "explain" metaphor stand or can't afford it. "By the method of" sentence... Guest said "I can't eat!" he said "do not eat, Dou to walk!" as a result, people are...

就是打包的意思!对应英文:Pack up and mean!

吃不了兜着走   吃不了兜着走 ( ī ù ǎ ō ǒ )   〖解 释〗 比喻受不了或担当不起. ...这里要他老婆,我叫你吃不了包着走。"  〖示 例〗不可拿进园...对应英文:Get more than one bargained for get more than one bargained for (ī ù ǎ ō ǒ) "explain" metaphor can or cannot afford... Here to his wife, I ask you to eat package to walk. "" example "don't take them into the garden...

内容自然是越生动越好玩,这里列举两个谁敢,谁就得吃不了兜着走。 ' .【用表示后果的严重性~】你敢!我握有你的小辫...对应英文:Content is naturally more vivid more fun, here is a list of two who dare, who would get more than one bargained for. '. [expressed serious consequences ~] you dare! I've got your pigtails...

你竟敢在我的地盘撒野,我让你吃不了兜着走! 说的粗俗点,我给你吃的不是好东西,而是你不想吃的东西,比如说让你吃打,而且还让你吃不了,吃不了怎么办呢,还得让你兜着走...对应英文:How dare you act wildly in my site, I let you get more than one bargained for! Say vulgar, I give you to eat not the good stuff, but you do not want to eat something, say that you have to play, but also let you eat, eat and how to do it, but also let you face...

吃不了兜着走 (字面) () ...对应英文:Get more than one bargained for (literally) ()...

"吃不了,兜着走",原是方言俗语,流传开后,它的原意人们有意或无意地淡忘了,反倒是它带着警告、威胁语气或玩话的引申义,为大家所熟知,其意即指 "出了问题,(你)要承担一...对应英文:"Eat, Dou to walk", is a dialect, spread after, it meant people intentionally or unintentionally forgotten, but the extended meaning it with a warning, threatening voice or joke, known as, meaning "out of the question, (you) to bear a...


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