

事到临头懊悔迟对应英文:At the last moment to regret later

是非只为多开口,烦恼皆因强出头。路逢险处难回避,事到临头懊悔迟。知事少时烦恼少,识人多处是非多。天上众星皆拱北,世上无水不朝东。看淡人世~~~~丹青不知老将至,富贵...对应英文:He that talks much errs much., trouble because of to the fore. Lu Feng danger place hard to avoid, at the last moment to regret later. A less trouble aid, more than a man is. The stars of the heaven are Gongbei, water will not East world. Bearish world ~ ~ ~ ~ the painting does not know to the veteran, riches and honour...

、事到临头懊悔迟很多痛风患者早期发现时没有很好的重视,也没有去很好的了解它,以至于每次发病的时候才会想起来去治疗,但是一旦症状消失,便立即停药。如此反反复复...对应英文:At the last moment to regret later, many patients with gout early found without enough attention, also did not go to a good understanding of it, so that every time I will think of and treatment of disease, but once the symptoms disappear, immediately stop drug. So again and again...

不然事到临头就懊悔了,盲目草率的决定到出错时悔之晚矣。对应英文:Or at the last moment regret, blindly rash decision to make it.


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