

将军额上能跑马对应英文:The general amount to Happy Valley

将军额头能跑马。"相信很多人都见过浩瀚淼茫的大海,曾被它包罗万象的胸襟与气势所折服。的确,经常看看海,是可以令人忘却烦恼与增长一些智慧的。 《六韬·武韬·顺启篇》...对应英文:General forehead can happy. "I believe many people have seen the vast Miaomang sea, was the mind and momentum it cover and contain everything by. Indeed, often have a look the sea, can make a person forget the troubles and gain some wisdom. "Six arts, Wu Tao · Shun Qi articles"...

将军额上能跑马,宰相肚里能乘船! 穷在大街无人理,富在深山有远亲! 人处世的智慧之一就是宽容他人。宽容别人方能建立起良好的人际关系,宽容他人的过错,就会赢得朋友,...对应英文:General forehead can happy, prime minister goes to the boat! Poor in the streets deserted, rich in a distant mountain! Life is one of the wise forgive others. Tolerance of others in order to establish good interpersonal relationships, tolerant of others' fault, will win friends,...

将军额头能跑马,是指做将军的比较善于思考,有一种战略的气魄。 现两句一起已经延伸为大的人物应该有着大的肚量来宽容别人和足够能力指挥领导别人对应英文:General forehead can happy, is a relatively good at doing the general thinking, have a strategic vision. The two together has been extended to large figures should have greater tolerance to forgive others and the ability to command others enough leadership

宰相肚里能撑船,将军额上能跑马对应英文:Prime Minister belly, general forehead can happy

这是说做大事的人要心胸开阔,目光高远。对应英文:It is said that people who do great things to be open-minded, lofty vision.

将军额上能跑马,宰相肚里能乘船! 穷在大街无人理,富在深山有远亲! 不是诗歌,只是一些哲理对应英文:General forehead can happy, prime minister goes to the boat! Poor in the streets deserted, rich in a distant mountain! Not poetry, just some philosophy

将军额前能跑马,宰相肚里能撑船。说的就是战国时期廉颇和蔺相如的故事。对应英文:General forehead can happy, broad-minded. That is the story of the Warring States period, Lian Po and Lin Xiangru.

谁心里都有一杆秤,对于自己不屑的人或事,自己不能去做的事等等,心里非常清楚,人的一生充满抉择,在好与坏,善与恶,丑与美,忠与奸等等都能分辨出来!这就是人的良心,真心去...对应英文:Who may have a steelyard, for their disdain of someone or something, you cannot do so, the heart is very clear, people's life is full of choices, in good and bad, good and evil, ugliness and beauty, loyalty and rape and so on can be recognized! This is the conscience, the sincerity to...

慈祥的笑容对可笑的人依然亲和 将军的思维宽广如骏马飞驰大道 总理的心地似海巨轮可放目远行对应英文:Kindly smile on the funny man still affinity general thinking wide as horse speeding Avenue prime minister are like the sea ship can put eyes on

意思是说弥勒佛的胸怀是何等的宽阔,他以慈爱和宽容容纳了他人所有的过犯。而笑纳苍生。将军额上能跑马,宰相肚里可行轮暗指人的胸襟和忍辱的精神。难能可贵。对应英文:Mean Maitreya Buddha mind is so broad, he holds the others all transgressions in loving kindness and tolerance. But take it all. General forehead can happy, prime minister goes round to the human mind and feasible tolerance spirit. Praiseworthy for one's excellent conduct.


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