

娶妻容易养妻难对应英文:Easy to keep a wife to marry

对于不同的人来讲,不同类型的妻子也照应着不同人的需求【我在这总结两种】--【】有大男人主义的人一般都较为喜欢能持家的、能够体贴夫家和为自己的丈夫分担忧愁,同...对应英文:For different people, different types of wife to look after the needs of different people. [I in this summary two] - [] a chauvinist are usually more like home can, can be considerate of the husband's family and her husband share the sorrow, the same...

关于"梅妻鹤子"的故事 北宋处士林逋(和靖),隐居杭州孤山,不娶无子,而植梅放鹤,称"梅妻鹤子",被传为千古佳话。他的《山园小梅》诗中名句"疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄...对应英文:On the "Umezuma Tsuruko" of the story the reclusive Lin bu (He Jing), a Hangzhou Gushan, do not marry without children, and planting Mei crane, called "Umezuma Tsuruko", called for the age-old story. His "garden" in the poem phrase may "shuyinghengxie Qingqian water, subtle fragrance floating on the yellow...

版本一  牧师"你愿意娶这个女人吗爱她、忠诚于她,无论她贫困、患病或者残疾,直至死亡。(你愿意吗)"  新郎"(我愿意)!"...对应英文:Version a priest "are you willing to marry the woman you love her, be faithful to her, no matter she is poor, sick or disabled, until death. (do you) "groom" (I would)!"...

即童养媳 童养媳是贫穷的父母将年幼的女儿被未来的婆家领养,等到成婚年龄后,再与丈夫举行婚姻仪式,也称童养媳婚姻。 周代所实行的媵制,其中夫人之妹与侄女往往年尚幼...对应英文:That child bride bride is poor parents will be the future of her young daughter for adoption, wait until after marriage age, marriage ceremony hold with her husband, also known as child bride marriage. The concubine of Zhou Dai, the sister and niece lady often years are still young...

因为作为结婚对象,需要考虑的事太多了,女方的家庭背景、人品性格、长相、她自己和她家人的健康情况、工作前景和个人人际关系等才是重点,处女这种小事根本排不上。如果...对应英文:As a marriage, need to consider things too much, the woman's family background, personality, appearance, she and her family's health, job prospects and personal relationships is the focus of this trifle, virgin fundamental not ranked. If...

据我所知,齐白石有两个老婆,一个叫陈春君,是齐白石父母为他娶的童养媳,另一个叫胡宝珠,是陈春君为齐白石聘胡宝珠为副室,胡宝珠比齐白石小岁,可谓老夫少妻。陈春君死...对应英文:As far as I know, Qi Baishi has two wife, a man named Chen Chunjun, is Qi Baishi for his parents to marry the bride, another name is Hu Baozhu, is Chen Chunjun Qi Baishi hired Hu Baozhu as vice room, Hu Baozhu Qi Baishi, is the old wife. The death of Chen Chunjun...

去法院起诉吧~ 这种事自己办不了的对应英文:To go to court. This kind of thing you do not

不管你是买还是娶,可能性基本是零。因为我从今年月日去的长白延吉珲春图们,到月日回到石家庄,去的目的就是找朝鲜新娘的。现在朝鲜和中国都在严打,自己跑过来的朝...对应英文:Whether you buy or marry, the possibility is almost zero. Because I will date to Changbai Yanji Hunchun Tumen, to march back to Shijiazhuang, go to look for the Korean bride. Now North Korea and Chinese in strike, oneself ran toward the...

这个很正常,我们也是这么过来的~~你想呀,你婆婆好不容易把儿子养大了,娶个老婆回来,还继续啃她,老人家心里会怎么想,中国有句俗话,养儿防老~~说实在的,你要是觉得在一...对应英文:This is normal, you know we are so over ~ ~, your mother-in-law is not easy to raise the son, marry a wife to come back, continue to bite her, the old man would you think, China saying goes, raise children to provide against old age. To tell the truth, if you think in a...

守寡.崔氏有一子,早夭.包拯的小老婆是孙氏,生一子包绶,包绶岁时包拯去世,崔氏把包绶养大对应英文:Widowhood. Cui has a son, early mortality. Bao Zheng little wife is sun, a sub package bag ribbon, ribbon when Bao Zheng died, Cui wrap ribbon up


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