

吃人的嘴软对应英文:Man eating salt

千万不要再社会上受女色或者金钱的诱惑,那就叫吃人嘴软,拿人手短,也可以理解为世界上没有免费的午餐,也不要有一颗贪婪的心。人心不足蛇吞象的道理不言而喻了对应英文:Don't the society by the woman or the temptation of money, it is called eat soft in the mouth, with the manpower short, also can be understood as the no free lunch in the world, also do not have a greedy heart. Which tries to swallow an elephant truth self-evident

炒豆众人吃,炸锅一人事  车到山前必有路  扯淡  陈芝麻烂谷子  撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的  成人不...吃人不吐骨头  吃人饭,拉狗屎  吃人家的嘴短,拿人家的手...对应英文:They ate a personnel health, frying pan car to Piedmont Road. Chen sesame lousy millet support dead bold, starve timid adult not... To eat do not spit the bones to eat one meal, pull shit eating other people's mouth short, the other hand holding...

吃人家的好处了必要的时候就要给人家说说好话,拿人家的东西了,就不要再对人家动手动脚了。 引申意思就是收了别人的好处,就不好不帮别人办事。 楼上的正解。对应英文:They eat the benefits when necessary to give people a good word, take other people's things, don't they touch. Extended meaning for the benefits of others, not just to help others. Positive solutions.

总的说就是拿了别人的好处就得帮着别人做事,而且也不好说不愿意我没这样的经验但我知道只要得了别人的好处、或者别人帮了你什么大忙那这人情就郁闷了。对应英文:The general said that took the benefits of others to help people to do things, but also not to say that I do not want to no such experience but I know if I have the good of others, or others to help you out that what this human was depressed.

就是拿了别人的好处之后,在对待一些事情时候,不得不对那个人多次退让的意思。对应英文:Then take the benefits of others, in the treatment of some things, to the man many concessions.

吃人的嘴软,说的是一个人如果沾了人家的便宜,即使人家有缺点或者错误也就不敢说、不敢管了。 这句话对掌握一定权力的行政或者执法部门的人来说最对症。对你的管理对象...对应英文:Eat zuiruan, say that if a person with the advantage of people, even if they have shortcomings or mistakes also dare not say, can not control. This sentence to acquire a certain power of administrative or law enforcement people most symptomatic. Management object for you...

虽然没看过 但你说的确实是那么回事对应英文:Although not seen but if you say so

是句俗语。意寓为收了别人的好处,就要为别人办事效力对应英文:Is a saying. Meaning for the good of others, to work for others effect

吃人嘴软"的本义是告诫人的警语,而不是一个论证因果的原则。就是得了别人的好处,就要为别人办事。但世界上...从来没有说拿人的手就该短,吃人的嘴就该软。也可以这样举例...对应英文:The original meaning of "man eating salt is warning people of warnings, rather than a demonstration of the principle of causality. Just got the good of others, to work for others. But the world... Never say your should be short, eat mouth should be soft. Can also be so for example...

吃人嘴软,拿人手短啦。。对应英文:Eat soft in the mouth, with the manpower short..


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