

人家吃肉我喝汤对应英文:People to eat meat I eat soup

建议尽量是不要食用。 肉类中含有很多的饱和性油脂和胆固醇,这两种物质会粘在血管壁上,使血管变细,血液流通不顺畅,进而引起一些疾病。如果是老年人食用肉类过多,这两...对应英文:As far as possible is not to eat. Meat also contains a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol, the two substances will stick to the vessel wall, which thins the blood, blood circulation is not smooth, then cause some diseases. If the elderly eat meat too much, the two...

呵呵,负责任地说,如果肠胃功能好能消化肉 那当然是肉的营养高 所谓营养,都是固体物质 即使能炖到汤里,那也是很小的一部分,大部分还是在肉里 当然,如果肠胃消化吸收不...对应英文:Oh, say responsibly, if gastrointestinal function good to digest meat that is certainly high nutrition so-called nutritional meat, are solid matter even if the stew to the soup, it is also a part of small, mostly in the flesh and of course, if the stomach digestion and absorption is not...

只要不经常吃,什么食物吃了也不会发胖的。祝你健康。对应英文:As long as you do not often eat, what to eat and not gain weight. To your heath!

我虽然没有当过妈妈 但是我老公前段时间急性阑尾炎动手术 然后我也顿鸽子是没满月的鸽子哦不能买老的因为小鸽子是凉的我老公没做月子所以能吃你老婆才刚生完宝宝不...对应英文:Although I am not a mother but my husband some time ago to acute appendicitis operation and then I'm a dove dove is not a full moon Oh can't buy old because small dove is cool my husband didn't do confinement so can eat you wife just gave birth to the baby no...

盐、味精、辣油等你喜欢的调料拌均即可!试试看,相信你会喜欢的!我们家经常这样吃哦!喝汤吃肉都美味!对应英文:Seasoning mix salt, MSG, chili oil, you like all can! Have a try, I believe you will like! We often eat meat soup is delicious!

所谓牙龈肿痛,实即牙齿根部痛,而且其周围齿肉肿胀,故称牙龈肿痛,也叫牙肉肿痛。牙肉肿痛要看是什么原因引起的,如果普通的牙龈发炎,吃一点普通的消炎药就可以了,比如甲...对应英文:The so-called gingival swelling and pain, the tooth root pain, and the surrounding gingival swelling, so sore gums, also called Gum gall. Tooth flesh gall to see what reason is caused, if common gum inflammation, eat a little common anti-inflammatory drugs can be, for example, a...

煲汤一定要滤油,我家就备有滤油勺,把油全部过滤掉(撇掉)。动物性油脂吃了一点都不好,怀孕期间更是。注意,乌鸡既然滋阴,吃得时候要记得加生姜,如果你的体质偏寒,还可以...对应英文:Soup to filter oil, my home is equipped with oil filter scoop, put all the oil and filter out (off). Animal fats to eat a little bad, pregnancy is more. Note that, since the Yin chicken, eat to add ginger, if your constitution slants cold, can also...

大家都是这么说的,四年前我也这么吃过现在也没有什么地方有不是,所以,你也不妨试一试,价钱也不贵,又没啥害处。你老婆一定会被你的体贴感动。对应英文:Everybody says so, four years ago, so I had no what place has not, therefore, you may wish to try, the price is not expensive, but also no harm. Your wife will be your thoughtfulness moved.

巴戟天 克,淮山药 克,枸杞子 克,炖服,喝汤食肉。或上药 配用乳鸽一只,若服后偏燥,也可用白木耳适量炖乳鸽,则补而不燥。 ()或取白鸽蛋 个,枸杞子 克,龙眼肉 ...对应英文:Morinda officinalis grams grams, yam, medlar grams, braise, soup meat. Or medicine with a pigeon, if the service after the partial dry, can also be white fungus appropriate stewed pigeon, is not dry up. (Bai Gedan) or take a, wolfberry fruit, longan pulp...

上述都可以吃的,多吃泥鳅,烧汤红烧都可以,泥鳅对于乳腺病患者是很好的食品,还有发的食物都不要吃,多吃蔬菜水果。对应英文:All of the above can eat, eat loach, soup stewed can, loach is a good food for patients with breast disease, and food can not eat, eat more fruits and vegetables.


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