

拉弓不放箭对应英文:Don't put the arrow bow

引而不发对应英文:Just indicate the motions

否正确.他设计了如下实验(弹簧被压缩后未超过其弹性限度)如图所示,将同一个弹簧压缩( 不同 )(选填"相同"或"不同")的长度.将小球置于弹簧��右端,松开后小...对应英文:Not correct. He designed the following experiment (spring is compressed after no more than its elastic limit) as shown in the figure, with a compression spring (different) (optional "same" or "different") length. The ball is placed in the spring, the right end, the small...

因为箭的动能越大,飞的越远,弓的弹性形变越大产生的恢复力越大,这个力通过玄施加给箭,箭获得的加速度就大,动能也大,水平方向上的速度也大,所以飞得远对应英文:Because the kinetic energy of the arrow is greater, fly farther, elastic deformation of arch is the restoring force generated is greater, the force applied to the arrow arrow by Xuan, the acceleration is big, the kinetic energy is also large, horizontal speed is high, so far

人生是一场戏,你必须明白自己的角色和如何演戏,这样才能把角演活,把戏演成功.对应英文:Life is a game, you have to understand their role and how to act, so that the angle play to live, play a success

由高中能量守恒可知,能量是不变的,当弓越弯,弹性势能越大,转化的动能也就越大,所以射得远,望采纳!对应英文:The high energy conservation, energy is constant, when the bow is bent, the elastic potential energy into kinetic energy is bigger, bigger also, so shoot far, hope to adopt!

生命是一盘棋,你必须懂得分析现状和运筹帷幄,这样才能把握全局,把棋下好。对应英文:Life is a chess game, you must know how to analyze current situation and map out a strategy, so that we can grasp the overall situation, the chess under good.

生命是一支曲,你必须找到它的音准键才能知道如何弹琴,这样才能把琴弹好、把曲弹出来对应英文:Life is a song, you must find its pitch key to know how to play the piano, so as to play the lute, play the song

弓的形变越大,弹性势能越大,弹力做正功越多,弹性势能减少越多,箭的动能增加越多。对应英文:The bow of the deformation is larger, the elastic potential energy is greater, more elastic force does positive work, reduce the more elastic potential energy, kinetic energy increases more arrows.

当然是弓的弹性势能增大,因为是弓发生形变。 弹力势能,重力势能对应英文:Of course is the elastic potential energy bow increases, because the arch deformation. The elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy

箭弓箭弦弓上用以发箭的牛筋绳子。箭已搭在弦上,不得不发射。比喻事情到了不得不采取行动的时候。    【出 处】三国·魏·陈琳《为袁绍檄豫州》李善注引《魏志》...对应英文:For the arrows on the bow bow arrow tendon rope. The arrow has built on the string, to launch. Compare things to have to take action. [is] the Three Kingdoms Wei Chen Lin "Yuan Shaoxi" Li Shan "Wei Zhi Yuzhou note cited"...


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