

送君千里终有一别对应英文:Although you escort a guest a thousand miles, yet the parting must come at last
  送君千里,终有一别   拼音:    解释: 君:敬称对方;终:终究。送多远的路,终究要分别。  




人生相遇,自是有时。送君千里,终须一别对应英文:Life is sometimes meet. Although you escort a guest a thousand miles, yet the parting must come at last

送君千里,终须一别 拼音 ò ū ā ǐ,ō ū ī é 释义 君敬称对方终终究。送多远的路,终...送君千里,终有一别,哥哥你回去。" 示例 送君千里,终须一别...对应英文:Send you a thousand miles, will have a different phonetic ò ū ā ì Ji, ō ū ī é interpretation Jun honorifics each other end eventually. Send far road, eventually... Send you a thousand miles, one don't, my brother you back. "The sample sent a thousand miles, must not...

元朝成语送君千里,终须一别【解释】君敬称对方终终究。送多远的路,终究要分别。 【出处】元·无名氏...送君千里,终有一别,哥哥你回去。"【示例】~,我也不往下送了...对应英文:The idiom to send thousands of miles, must not [explain] Jun honorifics each other end eventually. How far will send, respectively. [source] anonymous yuan,... Send you a thousand miles, one don't, my brother you back. "[example] ~, I also not to send...

最后得分对应英文:The final score

成语送君千里,终须一别拼音ò ū ā ǐ,ō ū ī é释义君敬称对方终终究。送多远的路,终...送君千里,终有一别,哥哥你回去。"示例送君千里,终须一别,...对应英文:Idioms to send thousands of miles, will have a different phonetic ò ū ā ì Ji, ō ū ī é interpretation Jun honorifics each other end eventually. Send far road, eventually... Send you a thousand miles, one don't, my brother you back. "The sample sent a thousand miles, must not,...

, .对应英文:,

. )送君千里,终有一别。 , . )一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。 ...对应英文:Although you escort a guest a thousand miles, yet the parting must come at last. .), a fence of the three piles, one of three men to help. ...

一壶浊酒尽余欢, 今朝一别何时还。 千里送君终有散, 来日再聚酒言欢。一别与暂别可以换换,但是你自己感觉,看你要表达的意思哪一个合适,要是想呼应后面再聚,用暂别似乎...对应英文:A pot of liquor do Yu Huan, the present one don't when. Thousands of miles to send some scattered, tomorrow get wine at. A stop and say goodbye to can change, but you feel, see you mean what a proper, if want to echo back together again, with only seems to...

成语送君千里,终须一别 【解释】君敬称对方终终究。送多远的路,终究要分别。 【出处】元·无名氏《马陵道》楔子"哥哥,送君千里,终有一别,哥哥你回去。" 【示例...对应英文:Idioms to send thousands of miles, must not [explain] Jun honorifics each other end eventually. How far will send, respectively. [source] anonymous yuan, "Maling road" wedge "brother, send you a thousand miles, one don't, my brother you back. "[example...

送君千里,终须一别 【解释】君敬称对方终终究。送多远的路,终究要分别。 【出处】元·无名氏《马陵道》楔子"哥哥,送君千里,终有一别,哥哥你回去对应英文:Send you a thousand miles, must not [explain] Jun honorifics each other end eventually. How far will send, respectively. [source] anonymous yuan, "Maling road" wedge "brother, send you a thousand miles, one don't, my brother you back


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