

寒从脚下生对应英文:The cold from the foot of health

经脉要走头部的。 所以人上火就会先表现在头部的器官上。 常见的,比如口舌生疮,流鼻血,喉头肿胀……都是上火的表现。 同理肾主水,最易察觉到寒冷。 而肾经是通往脚底...对应英文:The meridians to go head. So people get angry it will first manifested in the head of the organ. Common, such as mouth sores, nose, throat swelling...... Are fire performance. Similarly the kidney controlling water, the most easy to perceive the cold. The kidney is the gateway to the soles of the feet...

这就是常说的"寒从脚下起"。因为人的双脚离心脏最远,血液供应较差,加之脚部表面脂肪层薄,保温能力差,脚的皮温也最低,趾尖温度低达。另外,脚和上呼吸道黏膜之间存在着...对应英文:It is often said that the "cold starting from the foot". Because the person's feet farthest away from the heart, poor blood supply, coupled with the foot surface fat and thin, heat preservation ability is poor, the foot skin temperature is lowest, toe temperatures as low. In addition, between the foot and the upper respiratory tract mucosa exist...

梁燕自双归,长条脉脉垂。 小屏山色远,妆薄铅华浅。独自立瑶阶,透寒金缕鞋。 一个人站立在台阶上,寂寞孤胆的寒意从脚而发 寒从脚下生对应英文:Liang Yan since the double return, long pulse. The small screen color far, makeup thin while shallow. Standing all alone Yao order, through the cold golden shoes. A man standing on the steps, lonely lone cold from the foot and cold from the foot of health

疾足先得 (疾寒,足先得脚下先得)对应英文:The swift-footed get the most (disease cold, foot to foot first)

那首先就要考虑保暖,特别要注意腿、脚的保暖,正如俗话所说寒从脚下起,如果下肢保暖做得好,全身都会觉得暖和。另外可以适当做些按摩、揉搓脚部的运动,以促进血液循环。...对应英文:The first is to consider the warm, with particular attention to the legs, feet warm, as the saying goes cold starting from the foot, warm well if lower extremity, the body will feel warm. In addition to the appropriate exercise some massage, rub the foot, in order to promote blood circulation. ...

现在冬天都流行穿裙子啊,下面就是一条薄袜子,整个下身都冷了,寒从脚下起嘛。还有,们爱吃冰,为了不生痘痘更爱喝凉茶。其实,女人怕冷,最好是少接触寒性的中药。长豆豆...对应英文:Now that winter is popular to wear skirts ah, here is a thin socks, the whole body is cold, cold starting from the foot. Also, they love to eat ice, in order to not health acne more love to drink herbal tea. In fact, the woman is afraid of cold, it is best medicine less contact with the cold. Long beans...

现在冬天都流行穿裙子啊,下面就是一条薄袜子,整个下身都冷了,寒从脚下起嘛。 还有,们爱吃冰,为了不生痘痘更爱喝凉茶。其实,女人怕冷,最好是少接触寒性的中药。长豆...对应英文:Now that winter is popular to wear skirts ah, here is a thin socks, the whole body is cold, cold starting from the foot. Also, they love to eat ice, in order to not health acne more love to drink herbal tea. In fact, the woman is afraid of cold, it is best medicine less contact with the cold. Long beans...

现在冬天都流行穿裙子啊,下面就是一条薄袜子,整个下身都冷了,寒从脚下起嘛。   还有,们爱吃冰,为了不生痘痘更爱喝凉茶。其实,女人怕冷,最好是少接触寒性的中药。...对应英文:Now that winter is popular to wear skirts ah, here is a thin socks, the whole body is cold, cold starting from the foot. Also, they love to eat ice, in order to not health acne more love to drink herbal tea. In fact, the woman is afraid of cold, it is best medicine less contact with the cold. ...

现在冬天都流行穿裙子啊,下面就是一条薄袜子,整个下身都冷了,寒从脚下起嘛。  还有,们爱吃冰,为了不生痘痘更爱喝凉茶。其实,女人怕冷,最好是少接触寒性的中药。...对应英文:Now that winter is popular to wear skirts ah, here is a thin socks, the whole body is cold, cold starting from the foot. Also, they love to eat ice, in order to not health acne more love to drink herbal tea. In fact, the woman is afraid of cold, it is best medicine less contact with the cold. ...

俗话说"寒从脚下起",因为脚部对温度比较敏感,如果受凉,会反射性地引起鼻黏膜血管收缩,容易引起感冒。这个季节发生的不少感冒病例,都与此有关。现代医学研究认为,脚是...对应英文:As the saying goes "cold starting from the foot", because the foot is more sensitive to temperature, if catch cold catch cold, can reflex sexual ground to cause nasal vasoconstriction, easy to cause a cold. Many flu cases in this season, and the related. Modern medical research that, the foot is the...


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