

三思而后行对应英文:Look before you leap
中文的三思是个虚指,意思是反复思考,慎重思考,并不能从字面上的这个“三”字强硬理解为思考了3次。参考资料: “季文子三思而后行。拼音: sān sī ér hòu xíng 简拼: ssex 近义词: 反义词: 用法: 解释: 三:再...凡事要三思,三思最妥当

但他们需要三思而后行。对应英文:But they need to look before you leap.

这是一个“三思而后行”技巧,似乎是显而易见的,然而却忽视了许多。对应英文:This is a "look before you leap" skills, seems obvious, but ignored the many.

但是在你点击“发送”之前,需要三思而后行,特别是你在一个大公司里回复每一个人的时候。对应英文:But before you click "send", it is necessary to look before you leap, especially in a big company you reply to every one.

这是一个“三思而后行”技巧,似乎是显而易见的,然而却忽视了许多。对应英文:This is a "look before you leap" skills, seems obvious, but ignored the many.

但是在你点击“发送”之前,需要三思而后行,特别是你在一个大公司里回复每一个人的时候。对应英文:But before you click "send", it is necessary to look before you leap, especially in a big company you reply to every one.

虽然从事第二职业听起来是个赚外快或弥补收入减少的好办法,但就业专家表示,人们在打第二份工之前应该三思而后行。对应英文:Although moonlighting sounds's a good way to earn extra money or make up for the income decrease, however, employment experts said people should think twice before playing the second job.

甚至其它饥饿难奈的鳄鱼看起来并不会在抓起一两只幼兽当作食物之前三思而后行。对应英文:Even other hungry difficult nai crocodile don't look in the grab one or two cubs as food before look before you leap.

从开罗到利雅得,各国政府在决定致力于任何新的中东和平推动事业前都会三思而后行。对应英文:From Cairo to Riyadh, governments before the decision is committed to any new Middle East peace initiative will look before you leap.

当你丢弃东西,如薯片桶或者咖啡罐式,请三思而后行。对应英文:When you discard something, such as potato chips barrels or coffee pot, please look before you leap.

如果你的儿子或者女儿已经卷入到作弊风波,这里有一些相关的建议,能让孩子下次越雷池前三思而后行。对应英文:If your son or daughter has been involved in cheating, here are some Suggestions that can let the child think twice before cross the next time.

然而,即使缅甸的亚洲邻居会施加这样的压力,仍然不能保证这些偏执的,孤立而且无能的将军们会三思而后行。对应英文:However, even if such pressure is applied by myanmar's Asian neighbours, still can't guarantee that the paranoid, insular and incompetent generals will look before you leap.

下一次当你叽歪别人已经说过或写过的内容或者没有声明它的归属,那么你要三思而后行了。对应英文:The next time you tweet something someone else has said or written or not the content of the statement it belongs, then you should look before you leap.

也许奥巴马早在周四阿拉伯联盟会议讨论相关事宜时就下了这样的决心,不过,总统应当对他希望得到的结果三思而后行。对应英文:Perhaps Obama early on Thursday, the Arab league meetings to discuss relevant matters when under such a determination, however, the President should he hope to get the results look before you leap.

如果我们不想为自己做出的决定而感到后悔,就必须遵循这两个原则:一是三思而后行;二是不要错过任何机会。对应英文:If we don't want to regret their decision, we must follow the principle of the two: one is look before you leap.

那些认为洗礼等净化仪式让他们更接近上帝的人应该三思而后行。对应英文:Those who believe that baptism purification rituals such as let them closer to god's people should look before you leap.

如今的自由主义者需要三思而后行,要在这一问题上付出比现在更多的精力。对应英文:Today's liberals need to think twice before you do, will be paid on this issue than it is now more energy.

如果你打算现在就向你的朋友说出心里话,但他(她)却从来没传达过任何爱的讯号,那你最好三思而后行。对应英文:If you want to say to your friend now the truth, but he (she) but never send any signal of love, then you'd better look before you leap.

三思而后行,相关的每个人会很高兴,你自由职业者事业的前景也会一片光明。对应英文:Look before you leap, everyone will be happy, your freelance career prospects will be bright.

因此虽然通常我都会建议您马上应用在文章中学到的内容,但是对本文来说,我建议您在应用这里学到的知识时最好三思而后行。对应英文:So although usually I would suggest you learned the content of the application in the article, but for the purpose of this article, I recommend that you learn here in the application of knowledge when had better look before you leap.


  ”的古训出于《论语》,这句话的意思非常明确,就是教我们要养成作事前多思考的好习惯。   “三思而后行”并不是胆小怕事、瞻前顾后,而是成熟、负责的表现。过去,我也是属于做事比较冲动的那种类型的人,做事情的时候往往凭第一感觉,凭一时的冲动,结果有很多时候考虑问题不是很周全。比如有的事,是自己找当事人去说,还是让领导出面去说,效果就有很大的不同。  因此决定做一件事的时候,特别是重大问题时,必须要进行全方位的考虑,拿不准的时候多听听旁人的意见,也很有好处。     “三思而后行”对问题的完美解决有很大的帮助。但是在这个快速多变的社会中,稍一犹豫,时机会在瞬间错失。有的时候考虑得太多也是不好。正如鲍威尔曾经讲过的:在作决策的时候需要在掌握40%至70%信息的时候做出你的决策。信息过少,风险太大,不好决策;信息充分了,你的对手已经行动了,你就出局了。  “三思而后行”与快速地把握时机并不矛盾,做事情要学会把握时机,同时在决策的时候还要多去思考。这样的人才有希望达到成功的彼岸,立于不败之地。 相关文献 万方数据期刊论文幼教改革三思而后行--从蒙氏教育与瑞吉欧教育热说起(上) - 幼儿教育 - 2003 ( 9 ) 万方数据期刊论文环保监管"创新"应"三思而后行" - 环境保护 - 2010 ( 13 ) 万方数据期刊论文移动支付三思而后行 - 电信科学 - 201127 ( 5 ) 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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