


他们立即全都来了——尽管他们中许多人平时老死不相往来。对应英文:They all came immediately, although many of them are usual silos.

双方都清楚,最终从经济交往中获得的要比老死不相往来多得多。对应英文:Both sides know that, in the end, from economic exchange is much larger than of the silos.

经贸上,两国不再老死不相往来,双方已互为第二大贸易伙伴。对应英文:On the economic and trade, the two countries no longer silos, the two sides have each other's second largest trading partner.

他们立即全都来了——尽管他们中许多人平时老死不相往来。对应英文:They all came immediately, although many of them are usual silos.

双方都清楚,最终从经济交往中获得的要比老死不相往来多得多。对应英文:Both sides know that, in the end, from economic exchange is much larger than of the silos.

经贸上,两国不再老死不相往来,双方已互为第二大贸易伙伴。对应英文:On the economic and trade, the two countries no longer silos, the two sides have each other's second largest trading partner.

俗语老死不相往来lǎo sǐ bù xiāng wǎng lái是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/161.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。


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