

理论联系实际对应英文:Theory with practice

必须十分注重理论联系实际。对应英文:I have to be very focus on theory with practice.

我认为有一些关于教学的东西是很值得理查德去思考的,比如怎样将社会媒体的理论联系实际。对应英文:I think there is something about teaching is a very worth to think about Richard, such as how to integrate theory with practice of social media.

我们认为理论联系实际是重要的。对应英文:We believe that the theory with practice is important.

我认为有一些关于教学的东西是很值得理查德去思考的,比如怎样将社会媒体的理论联系实际。对应英文:I think there is something about teaching is a very worth to think about Richard, such as how to integrate theory with practice of social media.

会计模拟实验课程是会计专业中理论联系实际的重要课程,为学生进入工作实践提供了良好的锻炼平台。对应英文:Accounting simulation experiment course is an important course in accounting theory and practice, provides a good exercise for the students to enter work practice platform.

本文以现代信息系统的发展现状为起点的,力求理论联系实际,笼统地介绍了系统项目成本管理的知识体系与应用。对应英文:Based on modern information system development present situation as a starting point, strive to integrate theory with practice, this paper introduces the system of project cost management in general knowledge and application.

结论:指出理论联系实际原则在数学教学中的作用与地位。对应英文:Conclusion: points out that the principle of theory with practice in mathematics teaching the role and status.

马克思、恩格斯、列宁和毛泽东同志、邓小平同志,都为我们作出了理论联系实际和理论创新的光辉典范。对应英文:Marx, Engels, Lenin and comrades MAO zedong and deng xiaoping, have made for us a shining example of a theory with practice and theory innovation.

此内容可以作为射影几何教学中理论联系实际的典型例题。对应英文:This content can be used as the teaching of the projective geometry theory with practical examples.

本文在遵循罪刑法定原则的前提下,采用比较研究及理论联系实际的方法。对应英文:In this paper, on the premise of follow the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a, adopt the method of comparative study and theory with practice.

首先要坚持理论联系实际,从实际出发,确立为现实服务的观点;对应英文:First must adhere to the theory with practice, from set out actually, establishing the real service point of view;

它们可以作为微分几何教学中理论联系实际的典型例题。对应英文:They can be used as the teaching of the differential geometry theory with practical examples.

结果及结论妇产科临床见习带教,需重视启发诱导及理论联系实际、加强医德医风教育,为见习后进入临床实习工作打下了良好的基础。对应英文:Results and conclusions of obstetrics and gynecology clinical practice teaching, should pay attention to inspire revulsive and theory with practice, strengthen the education of medical ethics, and work for trainee into clinical practice laid a good foundation.

因此从理论联系实际的角度探讨提高药品广告的效益问题显得尤为重要。对应英文:So from the Angle of theory with practice, to explore it is particularly important to improve the benefit of pharmaceutical advertising problem.

培养学生理论联系实际能力的具体途径是教师示范、课堂锻炼、课外养成和考核检测。对应英文:To cultivate students ability to integrate theory with practice are concrete means a teacher demonstration, exercise class, extracurricular form and assessment test.

理论联系实际、突出重点问题和强化手段的更新,是德育教改的重要三题。对应英文:Theory with practice, highlighting key issues and reinforcement method of the renewal, is three important question in the teaching reform of moral education.

总之,高等学校必须坚定不移地贯彻理论联系实际的教学原则。对应英文:All in all, institutions of higher learning must unswervingly teaching principle of integrating theory with practice.

理论联系实际的观点是马克思主义的根本观点,是我党的优良传统和作风。对应英文:Theory with practice is the fundamental viewpoint of marxism, is our party's fine tradition and style.

室内设计专业的教学,应重视理论联系实际,在实践中认识设计与技术的联系。对应英文:Interior design professional teaching, should pay attention to integrate theory with practice, understanding of design and technology in practice.

为此,本文通过理论联系实际,以五环制药厂作为研究对象。对应英文:For this, based on the theory with practice, with the five rings pharmaceutical factory as the research object.

从理论联系实际出发,借助企业具体案例,详细介绍了基于战略的绩效管理体系设计过程,具有较强的借鉴意义。对应英文:Starting from the theory with practice, with the aid of enterprise specific case, detailed introduces the design process based on the strategic performance management system, has strong reference significance.

护患关系、理论联系实际、应急、独立工作能力等方面与对照组比较,差异有显著的统计学意义(P<0.05)。对应英文:Relationship between nurses and patients, theory with practice, emergency, independent working ability compared with control group, with significant difference statistically significant (P < 0.05).

思想政治理论课教育教学改革必须坚持方向性原则、“灌输”的原则和理论联系实际的原则。对应英文:Education of ideological and political theory teaching reform must insist on the principle of direction, the principle of "infusion" and the principle of theory with practice.

针对这种情况,本文运用理论联系实际的方法对侦查工作的核心侦查指挥进行研究。对应英文:For this kind of situation, this article applies the method of theory with practice to research investigation work at the core of their command.

本文遵循产品组合理论、产品生命周期理论及波士顿矩阵理论,采用了理论联系实际、定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法。对应英文:This article follows the portfolio theory, product life cycle theory and Boston matrix theory, the theory with practice, the method of combining the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis.

运用理论联系实际的研究方法,对正大福瑞达集团的实际进行了深入细致的调研。对应英文:Using the research methods of theory with practice, to ct FuRuiDa actual carried on the thorough careful research.

本文的这一部分运用理论联系实际的方法,从四个方面探讨了毛泽东公仆思想对我国当前反腐倡廉的廉政建设的指导意义。对应英文:This part of this article applies the method of theory with practice, MAO zedong's public servant thought is discussed from four aspects of the cultivation of clean government of our country's current anti-corruption guiding significance.

课后,教师忽略了阅读材料的后续性,不注重培养儿童理论联系实际的能力。对应英文:After class, the teacher ignores the subsequent readings, does not pay attention to cultivate children's ability to integrate theory with practice.

本文拟从理论联系实际的角度,探讨外国对华反倾销问题。对应英文:This article from the perspective of the theory with practice, discusses the issue of foreign anti-dumping.

这部分从理论联系实际的角度出发,从卖方保理商和买方保理商两个角度提出法律风险点及风险防范措施。对应英文:This part from the perspective of theory with practice, from the seller's factor and buyer's factor two aspects legal risk and risk prevention measures are put forward.

我国科学研究发展的特点是理论联系实际。对应英文:The characteristics of scientific research and development in China is the theory with practice.

这就要求教师在金属材料教学中,注重理论联系实际,充分发挥学生的主导作用。对应英文:This requires the teachers in the teaching of the metal material, pay attention to the theory with practice, give full play to the guiding role of the students.

实事求是,一切从实际出发,理论联系实际,是马克思主义中国化过程中我们党所形成的思想路线。对应英文:Seeking truth from facts, everything from set out actually, theory with practice, and is formed by our party in the process of sinicization of marxism ideological line.


  马克思主义最基本的原则之一。马克思、恩格斯、列宁反复强调,他们的理论不是教条,而是行动的指南。毛泽东遵循这一原则,在把马克思列宁主义普遍原理同中国革命具体实际相结合的过程中,在反对主观主义特别是教条主义的斗争中,对理论联系实际的思想作了深刻的论述和发挥。他指出,是否坚持理论联系实际,是对待马克思列宁主义的态度问题。理论联系实际,对于中国共产党人来说,就是应用马克思列宁主义的立场、观点、方法,对中国的历史实际和革命实际进行认真研究,正确地解释历史中和革命中所发生的实际问题,从中引出规律,作为行动的向导。这种态度,就是有的放矢、实事求是的态度,是一个共产党员起码应该具备的态度。它同理论与实际相分离的主观主义态度是根本对立的。   理论联系实际的原则,体现了认识与实践相统一、矛盾的普遍性和矛盾的特殊性相联结的马克思主义的认识论和辩证法,是辩证唯物主义世界观在无产阶级政党作风上的具体表现。坚持这一原则,必须反对形形色色的主观主义和形而上学思想。 &nbsp;

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