

媚眼做给瞎子看对应英文:Eyes to the blind see

--死也不放黄鹰抓鹞子---两个人都扣了环了棒打鸳鸯---两分开隔墙看美女---爱不得她媚眼做给瞎子看---不领你的情壁上挂的美人---你爱,她不爱你办法很多二齿钉耙---有两下...对应英文:- die without yellow Eagle kite - two men smashed ring break up affectionate couples - two separate partition see beauty - love not her eyes to the blind see --- not bring love wall you hanging on the beauty that you love, she doesn't love you the way a lot of two tooth a - two...

放我的真心在你的手心。 媚眼做给瞎子看---不领你的情 因为你是我心目中的最佳女主角 还记得某年某天某地,我俩的初遇。那一瞬间,时间就像静止了一般,你的气质让我觉...对应英文:Put my heart in the palm of your hand. Eyes to the blind see - do not receive your feelings because you are my best actress in mind remember one day somewhere, I have met. At that moment, time is still general, let me feel your temperament...

棒打鸳鸯---两分开 隔墙看美女---爱不得她 媚眼做给瞎子看---不领你的情 壁上挂的美人---你爱她,她不爱你 办法很多 二齿钉耙---有两下子 六个指头搔痒---多一条道道 心...对应英文:Break up affectionate couples - two separate partition see beauty - love not her eyes to the blind see --- not bring love wall you hanging on the beauty, you love her, she doesn't love you the way a lot of two tooth a - One is really something six fingers itch - a way of heart...

黄鹰抓鹞子---两个人都扣了环了 棒打鸳鸯---两分开 隔墙看美女---爱不得她 媚眼做给瞎子看---不领你的情 壁上挂的美人---你爱她,她不爱你 甘蔗林里种香瓜--从头甜到脚 ...对应英文:Yellow Eagle kite - two men smashed ring break up affectionate couples - two separate partition see beauty - love not her eyes to the blind see --- not bring love wall you hanging on the beauty, you love her, she didn't love you cane forest kind of muskmelon -- from sweet to foot...

"   "可惜张少奶奶对相公痴心得很,任他春二爷再是风【蟹】流潇洒,也是媚眼做给瞎子看呢。"   "真不知道春二爷在想什么,都一妻三妾了,还吃着碗里想着锅里的。"  ...对应英文:"" but a housewife to Messire silly enough, let him putting again is the wind [spring] stream crab clear, also winks to the blind see. "" I don't know what to think of spring Erye, had a wife and three concubines, also eat a bowl of thinking about the pot. "...

棉花套上晒芝麻-自找麻烦 七石缸里捞芝麻-费功夫 媚眼做给瞎子看-没人领情 王府的管家,相府的丫鬟-当家不做主,有职无权 王府的丫鬟-低三下四对应英文:Cotton in sesame - trouble seven stone jars for sesame - Fei Gongfu eyes to the blind see - no one appreciate palace housekeeper, her servant girl - headed not decide, duty has no right to the palace maids - humble

--死也不放黄鹰抓鹞子---两个人都扣了环了棒打鸳鸯---两分开隔墙看美女---爱不得她媚眼做给瞎子看---不领你的情壁上挂的美人---你爱她,她不爱你办法很多二齿钉耙---有两...对应英文:- die without yellow Eagle kite - two men smashed ring break up affectionate couples - two separate partition see beauty - love not her eyes to the blind see --- not bring love wall you hanging on the beauty, you love her, she doesn't love you the way a lot of two tooth a - two...

李逵只在乎大碗喝酒,大块吃肉,哪里会理会这些鸟事就算把他排得靠前一点也是"俏媚眼做给瞎子看了",没有什么用处,所以就这样排了,想来李逵也绝不会在意。另外雷横由于...对应英文:Li Kui is only interested in a bowl to drink, large pieces of meat, where will ignore these bird thing if he get front row is a "pretty eyes to the blind see, not what the" use, so it is lined up, like Li Kui never care. In addition to Lei Heng due...

棒打鸳鸯---两分开 隔墙看美女---爱不得她 媚眼做给瞎子看---不领你的情 壁上挂的美人---你爱她,她不爱你对应英文:Break up affectionate couples - two separate partition see beauty - love not her eyes to the blind see --- not bring love wall you hanging on the beauty, you love her, she doesn't love you

你到底想不想要人家追你啊,对于男生这种迟钝的动物,暗示不能做得太暗,否则就是俏媚眼做给瞎子看,白白让其他人抢了先机…… 你自己说的"骑车多穿衣服 小心感冒 好好照...对应英文:What do you want people to chase you ah, for boys this dull animal, that can't be too dark, otherwise it is pretty eyes to the blind see, let others robbed the initiative...... You said it yourself "bike wear more clothes take care take care of...


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