

按下葫芦起来瓢对应英文:Press the up gourd ladle

"按下葫芦浮起瓢"本 义刚把水缸里漂着的葫芦按下去,瓢又浮起来了。   引申义比喻做事顾了这头就顾不了那头。形容在遇到问题时由于事先没有准备充分而使事...对应英文:"Press the gourd dipper float" the meaning just floating in the water hyacinth press down, scoop and float. The extended meaning analogy work Gu the head will not care the. Describe when they encounter problems because there is no prior preparation and make things...

挨着勤的没懒的 矮子面前不说短话 按下葫芦起来瓢 八抬大轿请不去 八字没一撇 拔根汗毛比腰粗 白披一张人皮 半斤对八两 半路上出家 饱汉不知饿汉饥 背着抱着一般沉 被...对应英文:Next to the front ground not lazy dwarf not say briefly press the up gourd ladle eight carry big sedan please don't character did not write one uproot hair than waist thick white Piyi human skin half a catty of eight two on the way a full man do not know E Hanji holding back the general Shen was...

水瓢和葫芦都可以漂浮在水上。按下葫芦起来瓢的意思是,把葫芦按下了,水瓢起来了。形容手忙脚乱,做事情,顾了一端,顾不了另一端。问题没有解决。对应英文:Bailer and gourd can float on the water. Press the up gourd ladle mean, the hyacinth press, scoop up. Describe the act with confusion, do things, to the end, not care the other end. No solution to the problem.

按下葫芦又起瓢就是说在水缸里把葫芦按下去了,瓢又浮起来了。用一句成语叫作"顾此失彼"。意思就是顾了这边又丢了那边。形容在遇到问题时由于事先没有准备而手忙脚乱...对应英文:Press the gourd dipper gourd and is put down in the water tank, and the scoop up. Use an idiom called "care for this and lose that". It means to the side and lost. Describe the problem because no prior preparation and act with confusion...

葫芦一分为二成瓢,葫芦和瓢是同类物,本词比喻一问题没彻底解决,类似问题又冒出来。 事情接二连三地发生,...有别于"按下葫芦浮起瓢"。释义  按下葫芦又起瓢的意思是顾...对应英文:Gourd ladle One divides into two. into, gourd and gourd is similar, the word analogy questions not solved thoroughly, similar problems arose. Things happen one after another,... Is different from the "press the gourd dipper float". Press the gourd dipper interpretation and meaning is the gu...

按下葫芦又起瓢顾了这头丢那头此起彼落。与成语应接不暇意思相近。 摘自对应英文:Press the gourd dipper Gu and the lost that as one falls, another rises. Too busy to attend to all similar meaning and idioms. From

按下葫芦又起瓢顾了这头丢那头此起彼落。与成语应接不暇意思相近。 这样看的话应该是恰当的对应英文:Press the gourd dipper Gu and the lost that as one falls, another rises. Too busy to attend to all similar meaning and idioms. Seen this way should be appropriate

这个我知道一波未平一波又起!对应英文:I know this one after another!

可以有几个答案 --顾了这头丢那头此起彼落此起彼伏顾此失彼 (最通俗、最常用的是"顾了这头丢那头")对应英文:There can be several answers -- Gu the head as one falls, another rises As one falls (care for this and lose that lost the most popular, the most commonly used is the "Gu the head lose the")

意思就是别人怎么做,你就怎么做,模仿着别人,对应英文:It means someone else how to do it, you will do, imitation,


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