

英雄无奈是多情对应英文:The hero is helpless sentimental

妻子岂应关大计英雄无奈是多情。 全家白骨成灰土,一代红妆照汗青!主要是作为一首爱情诗来写的,诗中对于吴三桂措辞隐约闪烁,似乎带有婉曲的嘲讽,却又带有颇多的同情...对应英文:The wife is closed for the helpless sentimental hero. The family of bones into dust, generation of red shining! Primarily as a love poem to write poems for Wu Sangui, the shining, seems to be a mild sarcasm, but with a lot of sympathy...

妻子儿女不应该参与大事,英雄自古都难过美人关.对应英文:His wife and children should not participate in the event since ancient times, the hero sad beauty

妻子岂应关大计英雄无奈是多情。全家白骨成灰土,一代红妆照汗青!此段不但为陈圆圆开脱,更露骨地讽刺吴三桂卖国外另一令人不耻的原因其家人均因其做汉奸投清而被李自...对应英文:The wife is closed for the helpless sentimental hero. The family of bones into dust, generation of red shining! This section not only get rid of Chen Yuanyuan, more broadly satirical Wu Sangui sold abroad another is not ashamed of his home because of its investment per capita do traitors by Li Qing since...

事事无奈 ,我想感情再好你老公遇到什么困难说不定都会出卖你把.古代的人.不会把我们女的看得很重要的,哎....但也会为女的误了大事,,红颜祸水...对应英文:All the helpless, I think of affection again good your husband might betray you take what kind of difficulties encountered. Ancient people. Don't take us women see very important, hey.... but also for female missed the event, Dangerous Beauty...

樽中月 笑里刀 莫问恩仇 且把酒浇 浮沉随浪逝 狂歌趁今朝 名和利 轻言笑 英雄多情 美人多娇 千古多少事 潇洒一声笑 名和利 轻言笑 英雄多情 美人多娇 千古多少事 潇洒...对应英文:Bottle month laugh in the knife Mo ask enqiu and wine pouring floating with waves gone mad song while the fame lightly smile hero amorous beauty tender through many things and laugh and smile and say hero amorous beauty tender ages much handsome...

将进酒 李白 君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。 君不见高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪。 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。 天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。 烹...对应英文:Bringing in the wine Li Bai don't you see the Yellow River from heaven, pour into the sea no longer back. See how lovely locks in bright mirrors in high chambers, though silken-black at morning, have changed by night to snow. Christmas comes but once a year. And never tip his golden cup empty toward the moon! Since heaven gave the talent, let it be employed! Spin a thousand pieces of silver, all of them come back! Cooking...

远方也许尽是坎坷路也许要孤孤单单走一程 莫笑我是多情种莫以成败论英雄 人的遭遇本不同但有豪情壮志在我胸 嘿呦嘿嘿嘿呦嘿管哪山高水又深 嘿呦嘿嘿嘿呦嘿也不能阻挡...对应英文:Distance maybe is bumpy road may be alone go one way Mo laugh I am passionate Mo on heroes to the success or failure of the encounter the different but lofty sentiments and aspirations in my chest yo hey hey yo hey tube which high mountains and deep hey yo hey hey yo hey can stop...

第一句是单独存在得,而第二句应为 自古多情空余恨,此恨绵绵无绝期英雄难过美人关的典故 周幽王赚得美人一笑失江山。 故事烽火戏诸侯,一笑倾城 时间公元前年 女主...对应英文:The first sentence is alone, while the second sentence should be the ancient sentimental hate free, This regret shall last for evermore. no hero sad beauty allusion Zhou you earn a beauty a smile lost jiangshan. Stories of feudal war drama, they time BC women...

浩气成九霄 樽中月 笑里刀 莫问恩仇 且把酒浇 浮沉随浪逝 狂歌趁今朝名和利 尽烟消英雄多情 美人多娇 千古多少事 潇洒一声笑 无风云不动 云动心如风对应英文:Haoqi into nine bottles on laugh in the knife Mo ask enqiu and wine pouring floating with waves gone mad song while the fame and fortune as smoke eliminating hero amorous beauty tender through many things and laugh without the motionless cloud moved the wind

《风云-雄霸天下》狂风卷 奔云飙对应英文:"Fengyun - dominated the world" the wind volume running clouds wind


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