

猢狲入布袋对应英文:Like monkeys being confined in a bag
猢狲入布袋是指猴子进了口袋,寓意行动失去约束。发音 hú sūn rù bù dài

猢狲偷桃入布袋江城伍月落梅花打一生肖对应英文:Monkey steal peach into the pocket Jiangcheng five months fell plum a Zodiac

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

眼不见为净 猕猴骑土牛 祭神如神在 象煞有介事 鹿死不择音 惟有读书高 替古人耽忧 猢狲入布袋 惺惺惜惺惺 富贵不能淫 道三不道两 谩上不谩下 墙倒众人推 疑心生暗鬼 ...对应英文:The eye does not see the net be slowly transferred upward to make such a fuss about worship God like deer dies does not select the sound only high school worry about ancients like monkeys being confined in a bag appreciate each other immune to temptations three not two man not man next to push everyone down the wall Suspicions create imaginary fears...

厉德斯派人给曹送去一信,曹拆开一看,乃是《树倒猢孙散赋》一篇。 猢狲入布袋欧阳修《归田录》卷二"梅尧臣受敕修《唐书》,语其妻刁氏曰'吾之修书,可谓猢狲入布袋...对应英文:Li des sent someone to send a letter to Cao, Cao apart a look, is the "inverted tree Monkey Sun Sanfu" a. Like monkeys being confined in a bag Ou Yangxiu "Guitian recorded" 2 "Mei Yaochen by reform and repair" Tang ", his wife said Diao's language 'my book, is like monkeys being confined in a bag...

宋·殴阳修《归田录》"(梅圣俞)其初受敕修《唐书》,语其妻刁氏曰'吾之修书,可谓猢狲入布袋矣。'刁氏对曰'君于仕宦,亦何异钻鱼上竹竿耶!'"。 芒鞋竹杖 芒鞋一种草鞋...对应英文:Song, Ou Yang Xiu "Guitian recorded" "(Mei Shengyu) of the first subject to reform and repair" Tang ", his wife said Diao's language 'my book, is like monkeys being confined in a bag. 'Diao's answers' Jun to official, also usually drill fish on the pole!'". Straw sandals and bamboo stick a straw sandals shoes...

【瓜剖棋布】如瓜剖分,如棋分布。比喻区分布局,职司有序。 【猢狲入布袋】猢狲猴子。猴子进了口袋。比喻行动失去约束。 【敬布腹心】敬恭敬布阐述、表述腹心...对应英文:[dot] such as melon melon section partition, such as chess distribution. Figure Distribution Bureau, functional and orderly. [] macaque monkeys like monkeys being confined in a bag. The monkey into his pocket. Parable action without restraint. [to] to respect the cloth of cloth, expression of...

先前梅尧臣受命修《唐书》时,曾对他的妻子刁氏说 吾之修书,亦可谓猢狲入布袋矣 刁氏笑道 君于仕宦,又何异鲇鱼上竹竿耶 虽是夫妻日常对话,却自然成联,闻者皆称善对。...对应英文:Previously Mei Yaochen was ordered to repair "Tang", said to his wife Diao's say my books, this is like monkeys being confined in a bag, Diao's smile gentleman to official, how different catfish on bamboo Jesus is husband and wife daily conversations, but naturally, people are kind of. ...

比喻后面的事物推动前面的事物,象后浪推动前浪一样,不断前进。 猢狲入布袋 猢狲猴子。猴子进了口袋。比喻行动失去约束。 换汤不换药 比喻名称或形式虽然改变了,内容...对应英文:Metaphor behind things pushing in front of things, like the waves pushed waves, move forward. Like monkeys being confined in a bag macaque monkeys. The monkey into his pocket. Parable action without restraint. A superficial reform analogy name or form has changed, content...

河东狮子吼 河水不洗船 黑漆皮灯笼 恨铁不成钢 后来者居上 后浪催前浪 后浪推前浪 猢狲入布袋 换汤不换药 鸡烂嘴巴硬 急急如律令 急来报佛脚 疾风扫秋叶 疾风彰劲草 ...对应英文:Have a shrewish wife River don't wash the ship Black Lantern hate iron not steel Latecomers become the first. bring forth the new through the old each wave pushing at the one ahead like monkeys being confined in a bag a superficial reform chicken rotten mouth hard bysolongatime anxious to cramming blast blast Zhang grass leaves...

孤军深入 鹘入鸦群 故入人罪 鬼出电入 鬼出神入 过门不入 酣然入梦 含笑入地 恨入骨髓 恨之入骨 猢狲入布袋 虎入羊群 回邪入正 祸从口出患从口入 贱入贵出 渐入佳境 ...对应英文:It Huruyaqun gururenzui Guichudianru Guichushenru be very busy with public duty dead asleep smile in the underworld hate hate to the marrow like monkeys being confined in a bag Out of the mouth comes evil. tigers among a flock of sheep to suffer from the mouth Jianruguichu gradually entering blissful circumstances...

俗语猢狲入布袋hú sūn rù bù dài是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/962.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

宋·释道原 《景德传灯录》:“僧曰:‘恁么即学人归堂去也。’师曰:‘猢狲入布袋。’” 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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