

帮理不帮亲对应英文:Help reason not to help dear

或者是做错事是情有可原当然要帮亲。但是如果(只是如果说昂)亲人做出了什么犯法或者是对他人没利的事情当然要帮理。理性思考!对应英文:Or do the wrong thing is of course to help dear as excusable. But if (only if ang) family made what crime or no benefit to others of course to help science. Rational thinking!

有帮亲的情况,但还不至于所有的都是帮亲的情况。文凭依然重要,至少在你和同样没关系的人竞争的时候是条件之一。对应英文:Help dear of, but not all of the help dear. The diploma is still important, at least when you and also never mind who is one of the conditions of competition.

老人一般思想固执,有些事情即使是错误的,他们也会坚信,毕竟已经信了大半辈子了,心理学上也有一个说法,人过了就不要再试图去改变他了。 大多事情,即使是不对的...对应英文:The old man thought in general stubborn, some things even if they are wrong, they will believe that, after all, have believed for a lifetime, psychology has a saying, people don't try to change him. Most things, even if it is wrong...

让理不让人意思是站在真理的一边,并不看人是什么人帮理不帮亲意思是不徇私,按章法(道理)办事对应英文:Let not let people stand on the side of the truth, do not see what the person who help reason not to help dear means not favoritism, follow the rules (truth)

"帮理不帮亲"是谚语,意思是只帮助支持有道理的一方,不因为是亲戚就帮助。这个只讲道理不看亲情是很不容易做到的。其他的谚语还有 ◆百闻不如一见,百见不如一干。 ◆...对应英文:"Help reason not to help dear" is a proverb, meaning only to help support the reasonable one, not because the relatives will help. The only reason not to see the family is not very easy to do. Other proverbs and the seeing is believing, see no more than one hundred. ◆...

这事不要管,到时候害了你也害了他!中国准确的说就是,谁有钱谁就是法律,帮钱帮亲!!对应英文:Don't tube, then kill you killed him! Chinese exactly is who, who is rich in law, for money to help dear!!

帮理不帮亲!话虽如此。但是,也没有人胳膊肘向外拐。自己琢磨吧。对应英文:Help reason not to help dear! Even so. However, no one exotic. On her own.

我是新加坡人。看楼上的说法,我认为这位网友是从来没有在新加坡生活的,也完全不了解新加坡而胡言乱语 - )"举例来说,就是你可能穿红灯无数次,也没人来管你,但也有可能...对应英文:I am singaporean. See the statement above, I think the web is never living in Singapore, also don't know Singapore and talk rubbish -) "for example, you could wear a red light countless times, no one to control you, but it is also possible to...

有时候对错与年龄无关。年龄小不代表一定是错的对应英文:Sometimes the right has nothing to do with age. Age does not mean necessarily wrong

只能说你女朋友社会经验不足,他估计年纪还小不成熟,太天真了对应英文:Can only say that your girlfriend is lack of social experience, he estimated age still small immature, naive


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