

人心都是肉长的对应英文:The people are the meat long

我相信,人心是肉长的,这点不要怀疑。每个人都是有良心的,只是看发现的早晚。对应英文:I believe, the heart is the meat long, this no doubt. Everyone had a conscience, just look at that time.

《人心都是肉长的》 人心都是肉长的 为啥你要哭 为啥你又笑 渴了要喝水 困了要睡觉 人心都是肉长的 你说妙不妙 泪从眼里流 血在胸中烧 恨是冬天雪 爱是春天苗 人心都是肉长的...对应英文:"The people are the meat long" the people are the meat long, why do you want to cry, why do you laugh thirsty to drink tired to sleep heart meat long you said it was the tears from his eyes blood burning hate in the chest is winter snow love is the spring seedling heart meat long...

就是说人之初性本善、人都有善良的一面对应英文:That is a Men at their birth, are good in nature have a good

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-人心都是肉长的 人心都是肉长的 为啥你要哭 为啥你又笑 渴了要喝水 困了要睡觉 人心都是肉长的 你说妙不妙 泪从眼里流 血在胸中烧 恨是冬天雪 爱是春天苗 人心都是肉长的...对应英文:And the people are the meat long people are meat long, why do you want to cry, why do you laugh thirsty to drink tired to sleep heart meat long you said it was the tears from his eyes blood burning hate in the chest is winter snow love is the spring seedling heart meat long...

有的时候,人心是会变的!有的时候,它是热热的肉长的,但有的时候他有的时候就像是石头一样冰冷坚硬!对应英文:Sometimes, people become! Sometimes, it is hot meat long, but sometimes he is as cold and hard as stone!

肉长的又怎样这个世界不还是充满了背叛与伤害吗有时候执着并不是好事!该放弃的还是要放弃,是自己的就是自己的,不是自己的强求也没有意义…对应英文:The meat long what this world is not still full of betrayal and hurt you sometimes perseverance is not a good thing! This give up or give up, is their own is their own, not to demand their is no significance...

人心是肉长的。没错 但心脏只是供血的地方,大脑才是一切的中枢。 一个人的经历,成长环境,社会关系,都会影响到他大闹。影响到他他是好人还是坏人, 其实人很复杂没有绝...对应英文:The heart is the meat long. Yes, but the heart is the blood supply of the brain is the place, all the central. A personal experience, growth environment, social relations, will affect him up. Affect him he is good or bad, in fact, very complex there is no...

你是一个善良的人!对任何事一定都充满了美好的想象。你不会主动伤害任何人,那怕别人有意或无意伤害过你,你也不会做任何不义之举还给对方以颜色的,是吗我想从这一点让...对应英文:You are a good person! Anything always full of wonderful imagination. You won't hurt anyone, even when others intentionally or unintentionally hurt you, you will not do anything wrong to give each other in color, I think from this point let...

人心也会有多大天有多高,人的心思也有多高人生的道路有多长,人心就会有多长人心无定,宽窄不一对应英文:People will also have more big is high, so the heart of man and how high the road of life is long, the heart will have how long people without fixed, different width


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