

出头的椽子先烂对应英文:Stand up to the rafters rotten
  出头的椽子先烂   拼音:    解释: 1.见"出头椽儿先朽烂"。  




根据物质与意识的辩证关系,正确发挥主观能动性 物质决定意识,意识对物质有能动的反作用。物质决定意识表明,意识是物质世界长期发展的产物意识又是客观事物在人脑中的...对应英文:According to the dialectical relationship between matter and consciousness, the right to play the subjective initiative of the material determines consciousness, consciousness of the dynamic reaction of the material. The material determines consciousness shows, consciousness is the development of long-term material world consciousness is the objective things in the brain...

就是枪打出头鸟的意思。教育人们凡事不能逞强,不能先出头。对应英文:Is a gun fight bird. Education people never try to be brave, not to head.

出头的椽子先烂 --튀어나온 서까래가 먼저 썩는&#...对应英文:Stand up to the rafters rotten --

出头椽子先烂--椽子露在房檐之外经不起风吹雨打枪打出头鸟--群鸟最先飞起的最有可能被子弹击中难得糊涂--遇事不要太较真,八大山人的境界。对应英文:Its rafter first rotten rafters in the eaves outside dew -- by wind and rain hit the head not shooting birds: birds fly is most likely to be the first shot, don't too seriously, Badashanren realm.

楼主的意思是别人嫉妒你吗如果好好相处,不可能会合伙和你过不去的,肯定有原因,最好反思一下,如果自己找不到原因,可以让好朋友帮你分析一下,如果确属无故遭嫉,以平和...对应英文:You mean other people envy you if you get along, unlikely partnership and you can not pass, must have a reason, the best reflect, if they can not find the reason, can make good friends to help you analyze, if it is unreasonably jealous, in a calm and...

擒贼先擒王"的启发吧,后来也不知是哪个聪明人就演绎出一个推论"出头的椽子先烂"。毋庸讳言,这句话生动地反映了客观世界中的一个客观事实,更折射出了一些道理。对此常...对应英文:Qinzeixianqinwang "inspiration, later also don't know is which wise men can deduce the rafters a corollary" head first ". Needless to say, this sentence vividly reflects a fact in the objective world, but also reflect some sense. This often...

椽子上面的是芦苇打的箔.一般是躲在房檐底下的椽子完好无损,而出头的椽子就已经烂了。其实古代建筑师们已经注意到这个问题了,所以就把出头的椽子上面包上琉璃或者汉白...对应英文:The rafters above is reed playing foil. Usually hides in under the roof rafters intact, but the rafters jut out already. In fact, the ancient architects have to pay attention to the problem, so put the rafters jut out bread or Han white glaze...

淹死的都是会水的。 先下手为强,后下手遭殃对应英文:All will be drowned in water. First, after the start

综合起来,指明问题的性质,给以解决的办法,这样,就不是形式主义的方法所能济事 出头椽子 反敢做敢为的往往能有所成就,做事不怕出错,就怕不敢承认错误承担错误,不敢做...对应英文:Taken together, Nature reported problems, give the solution, so that, it is not the formalism can be exposed rafters anti aggressive, often can succeed, do not afraid of mistakes, but do not dare to admit a mistake to take the wrong, did not dare to do...

否则易招来横祸枪打出头鸟,刀砍地头蛇。 意思通俗一点就是你比较出众,大家就挑你的毛病作反面教材,或者你差得出众对应英文:Otherwise easy to provoke Henghuo gun fight bird, with a bow. It is a popular you quite outstanding, you pick your problems as negative material, or you have


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